(no subject)

Sep 26, 2009 23:23

Who: Batman & the woods
What: Fresh from a canon update the Batpod screeches into the woods
When: Late Saturday Night
Where: The Woods
Rating: PG

Even as his hands gripped tight to the bars, he knew he wasn't going to be able to control the spinout. The shift in surface beneath the wheels, even these wheels, didn't give the traction he expected. The loose dirt, snapped branches, and damp ground of the night ended up taking the back wheel out, tossing the entire bike onto it's side.

Letting go was the easy choice, his body coming to a halt as the rest of the vehicle cracked right into the side of a tree a few feet ahead of him. The crunch was loud enough that he figured one of the two wasn't going to be the better for the accident.

It didn't make sense, he'd been leaving the docks, leaving a scene he knew wasn't going to take him into the woods. In fact he couldn't really think of a single wooded area around Gotham that was close to the docks.

Standing up he glanced around, trying to sort it out as he moved toward the Batpod. Righting it up onto it's wheels again he was grateful; the tree had been the victim here.

Getting back on he started it up, only to hear the gears grinding a bit. Tilting his head, he knew that wasn't right at all. Easing off he tried to evaluate what his options were. Where was he anyway?

He made quick strides through the woods, until he met the treeline, and when he finally recognized where he'd ended up, his stomach twisted. It was the castle. Paradisa and the damn castle.


Turning around he went back for the Batpod, pushing it toward the treeline, wondering who was going to be awake, who was going to be aware of him moving this vehicle in this fashion. It was too much of a risk, and if it really was the castle, he could just ask for it to get moved when he was ready for it. Thinking it didn't actually matter, in the long run, he pushed it through the woods toward the caves, and eventually just hid it in one of them.

The rest of the evening didn't prove too difficult. Through the woods in the shadows, along the edges of the city, and a grappling hook up to one of the towers where he claimed an empty room for Batman to now reside in. It was a step in the right direction, and for the first time since arriving in Paradisa, he knew he couldn't let a castle change him.

Not this time.

bruce wayne (batman)

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