(no subject)

Sep 24, 2009 18:44

Who: Giselle slightlystunned & Briar Moss waywithplants
What: Very late picnic date for the auction!
When: 9/24, about noon
Where: A grassy hill not far from the castle
Rating: G for Giselle

Giselle threw out the red checkered blanket over the soft blades of grass and watched as a few birds swooped down to straighten the ends of it. She thanked them, setting down her picnic basket and unloading what could only be described as a feast for two. Everything was made with the utmost love and care, and looked almost too picturesque to be real. She'd outdone herself, really, but there was no expense too great for her friend.

A few of the animals decided to linger about, waiting to see who would be joining Giselle on the picnic, and she had to scold a rabbit who had tried to run off with her basket of fruit. She was the one that had decided to arrive early to get everything organized, and so she sat with a smile, singing and humming along with the birds that flew around her picnic. It was a scene straight from a storybook fairy tale.

briar moss, giselle

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