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halfgoddess June 7 2009, 03:57:18 UTC
"What was that?"

That was really all Cassie could say.


exhikki June 7 2009, 03:59:31 UTC
"Oh dear -" was all he could manage, before the lights began to flicker ominously.

[ooc: tag the name as it appears in his main comm posts?]


halfgoddess June 7 2009, 04:00:53 UTC
"Don't tell me the castle's magical elevators can't support this much weight."

[ooc: yeah, I just... don't know how some of you write them rofl.]


mylifeisntajoke June 7 2009, 04:02:01 UTC
"Aw, no one say it," Booster pleaded, with mock fear, eyes as fixated on Wonder Woman's ass as they had been when she first stepped into the elevator.

They couldn't be stuck in an elevator!


OH MY GOD SORRY FOR THE THOUSAND EDITS yamanaka June 7 2009, 04:03:07 UTC
Ino glanced around, waiting for the elevator to start moving again. Having this many people in there wasn't a problem usually ... right? Oh, god, if they were stuck, she was going to have to beat something up. She muttered something vulgar under her breath, shifting her weight in hopes the elevator would start again.

"They're not exactly magical. A resident built them a long time ago."


nomoreemokid June 7 2009, 04:06:04 UTC
"We're stuck in an elevator." He looked around at the people, he didn't know most of them. Not exactly something he'd consider a good day. "This isn't normal, is it?"


adoctordammit June 7 2009, 04:06:30 UTC
Bones at this point shut his eyes, giving a heavy sigh of acceptance at what was going on. Of course these old fashion elevators couldn't support this amount of weight and of course it had to be when he was on it.



sufferinsapphos June 7 2009, 04:07:31 UTC
Diana impatiently ran her hand through her hair, giving Cassie a tight-lipped smile over a few heads before letting out a sigh. Of course, she could always try to just pry open the doors herself, but she wasn't too keen on the idea of possibly permanently damaging what might be an only temporarily dysfunctional elevator.

She really should have flew, instead.

"There's no emergency button?"


halfgoddess June 7 2009, 04:10:17 UTC
"I dunno, I can't see it. Can someone reach it?"

Ew, crammed in with people.


slightlystunned June 7 2009, 04:12:12 UTC
Giselle simply stood in the corner of the elevator, clutching her basket tightly to her chest. It was quite crowded in the magic moving box.

"Oh my, there are certainly a lot of friendly faces in such a small place..."

She wasn't opposed to meeting new people, but she generally liked to do it in a more open environment.


glaciates June 7 2009, 04:12:52 UTC
Honestly the short captain was kicking himself mentally for this, it was a horrible idea when he first stood on the elevator it was an even worse one now. After almost having his feet step on them practically being squashed between taller people he was sure his patience was about to run out.

"Fine." Of course moving was different but being so short it wasn't impossible, with a twitch he pressed it. Once. Twice. Three times.


yamanaka June 7 2009, 04:17:07 UTC
Being stuck in the back of the elevator, she hadn't noticed the very short - but familiar! - boy up in front. She stood up on her tiptoes to see over all the tall people, noticing him pushing the button incessantly.

"Don't do that, Hitsu-chan! You'll break it!"

Whoops. This wasn't the same Hitsugaya ... she just hoped he didn't get too angry.


paid_the_price June 7 2009, 04:19:33 UTC
Cole, while everyone else had either been talking or complaining, have been scoping out the elevator from his corner, looking for one of two things. A roof hatch or a charge box. Something that would give them the edge. Of which, there were neither.

"Well, this is a pretty piss poor situation." The ONE day he decided to take the elevator...


exhikki June 7 2009, 04:26:11 UTC
The only good thing out of this, as far as he could tell, was that none of the people trapped appeared to have anything against each other. Having mortal enemies having ashouting match would make it worse if they were to be stuck for long.


mylifeisntajoke June 7 2009, 04:27:18 UTC
"Whoa!" Booster jumped slightly. "Just how many people are in here?!"

His hand gently brushed Giselle's bottom as he attempted to move.


sufferinsapphos June 7 2009, 04:30:16 UTC
Reflexively, as if it were second-nature, Diana's eyes shifted and she quickly reached behind her, gripping at Booster's wrist and giving it a warning squeeze. In the process, her hand also brushed Giselle's bottom.

"Perhaps they are so scarcely used, that having so many residents coincidentally decide to use it at once was too much for it to handle?" Her tone was serious but not tense in the least, as she wasn't worrying too much about the situation.

She just hoped she wasn't stuck with any claustrophobes.


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