(no subject)

Jun 06, 2009 23:48

Who: halfgoddess, nomoreemokid, glaciates, ireadurmind, glaciates, idkusername, mylifeisntajoke, sufferinsapphos, mouthiness, slightlystunned, adoctordammitthefierceness
What: Elevator Shenanigans
When: Saturday night, June 6th.
Where:The elevator.
Rating: PG-13?

When the elevator door slid open, Cassie was expecting to share it with maybe one or two other people. Not ___.

She hesitated a second, considered just flying down all those stairs, but decided, what the heck? There was room.

She slipped in, apologizing to Hitsugaya for nearly stepping on his toes, and sucked in so that the door could squeeze shut. She couldn’t really wave hello to the faces she recognized, so she just smiled. Oh, there was Diana. And Booster. And that Ino girl.

Up they went, and then, suddenly, there was an uncomfortable lurch, and the numbered lights caught somewhere between nine and ten.

[ooc: "Who:" is the  SUGGESTED posting order for the main comment thread, but since it's assumed they'll be in there for a while you can make other comment threads for smaller conversations. Whisper, we're in a tiny box.

I'm not sure how to tag you all/how you spell your tags, so help me out? <3 ]

deadpool, hitsugaya toushirou, leonard "bones" mccoy, diana prince, cassandra sandsmark (wonder girl), michael j. carter/booster gold, yamanaka ino, amanda tanen

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