log; complete

Aug 18, 2008 03:34

Who: Orihime and Roxas.
What: Bumping into each other outside. Hiatus, what hiatus?
When: Morning of August 18th.
Where: The edge of the forest.
Rating: PG-13, for Roxas' occasional language?

This life is filled with hurt / When happiness doesn't work / Trust me and take my hand )

inoue orihime, roxas

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breath_of_light August 18 2008, 11:42:18 UTC
Once she was standing on her own again, Orihime started to awkwardly smooth out her skirt, more to give her hands something to do than anything else. She hated feeling helpless and she hated even more that some people felt obligated to take care of her. Not that she did not mind the kindness and not that she did not want to return the favor, but when it was because they thought she got in the way, because she just was not good enough...that hurt. All she wanted to do was help.

With this boy, too. Something was bothering, clearly much more than she realized with how he was destroying the fauna.

"I'm sorry," she apologized again, her fingers fiddling with each other as she watched the ground. With his next question, Orihime's auburn head lifted up, gray eyes blinking in a slightly surprised manner. "I thought it would be quieter than usual because a lot of people are still inside..." she said honestly.

There was a pause before she considered her next words, knowing she would probably get a biting answer in response.

"What are you doing out here...?" Orihime decided not to mention the destruction of the trees. He would offer that freely if he wanted, she supposed. "Aren't you...hot in that jacket...?" It was summer after all, and it was warm even in the morning. Orihime liked her breezy skirts and tank tops for weather like this, like she was wearing right then.


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