log; complete

Aug 18, 2008 03:34

Who: Orihime and Roxas.
What: Bumping into each other outside. Hiatus, what hiatus?
When: Morning of August 18th.
Where: The edge of the forest.
Rating: PG-13, for Roxas' occasional language?

He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. And whose fault was that? Soras', of course. Roxas hadn't even had enough time to really register his second disappearance before he'd shown up once more... The third time, and again without memory. The blond was getting pretty sick of it.

What if Axel showed up again soon? Did he even want him to? Would it be worth it, if he just showed up without any memory of their time together in the castle? Tch... It really was just better to stay the hell away from everyone. Look what happened whenever he started to give a damn about someone. He was the one to suffer for it.

The Nobody had already mutilated two trees, and was making short work of the third one. Scorching them without setting them on fire was somewhat difficult, but it was something to concentrate on and keep his mind off other things. With each punch and kick, a bolt of energy zapped the trunk and flying right through the center to leave a void behind. It was starting to look like a small war zone, and just a matter of time before this tree cracked and fell over too.

It wasn't nearly as satisfying as really fighting someone, but with the mood he was in, he just might have ended up killing them anyway.

inoue orihime, roxas

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