Allen and Cross Thread

Jul 21, 2008 01:04

Who: Allen (save_the_souls) and Cross (crossanova)
What: Spoiling Allen for chapter 167 :Db;;;;;
When: NOW?
Where: Allen's room, 506
Rating: PG-13?

Cross hated this place. Not only was it a reminder of headquarters, but the fact that they were kept prisoners to the whims of something or other too afraid to show face. He'd operated too long on his own, subverting orders while staying just enough in line to get the job done. When he'd left for Central, he'd made a compromise: his knowledge for the chance to speak to Allen Walker.

Of course, this happened instead. The kid was here, free from Rouvelier's dogs. Kind of inconvenient, but what can you do? Originally, he was fine letting the boy remain in the dark. Telling him now would be fruitless and without the gaze of Central...

Cross stopped in front of 506, plucked a cigarette from his jacket and kicked in the door. "Oi, show some manners, idiot!"

Even more than this place, he hated the trade off the 14th made. A brown haired sniffling punk, just like before. Tch, so much for laughing at Tiedoll. What a pain.

allen walker, cross marian

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