Here we go again my friend...

Jul 18, 2008 04:44

Who: Sora, Kairi, Rikku, Yuffie, Riku Replica, Renji, Matsuri, Orihime
What: Let the forest adventure begin!
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The forests outside the castle
Rating: Prolly just G

Sora was really excited. He was going to lead an exciting expedition into the uncharted forests around the castle! --Well, he didn't know if they were actually uncharted, but...nobody seemed to know for certain what was in them, or whether or not there were pandas. Well, charted or otherwise, Sora was leading this team of intrepid explorers into the unknown depths of these woods, and he was sure that good times awaited them there. Maybe they would find a secret ancient temple filled with treasure! ...Unless those only happened in deserts. Ooh! Or maybe there would be a rabbit hole that led to another Wonderland! That place sure had been a hoot.

Well, whatever they found in the woods, Sora was certain they would have fun. After all, with Kairi, Riku['s Replica], and Yuffie with him, how could it not be fun? He hoped Rikku had managed to round up a couple of friends, too--the more people the more fun, so far as Sora could tell.

He glanced at Kairi where they stood just outside the big southern wall of the castle, casting her a big grin and a thumbs-up.

"I hope we have a big awesome adventure," he said eagerly. "All that time I was doin' stuff with the Keyblade, I really wished you could have been there, Kairi. It was scary sometimes, but I think it would have been a lot easier--and a lot more fun--if you'd been there with me." His smile grew somewhat wistful. "Riku, too. I mean, it was dangerous, and kinda crazy, but I think somehow everything would have been okay if you two could have fought beside me." He brightened again. "I'm glad I found you guys again. And Roxas too." He set his jaw. "I'm gonna make him forgive me. Whatever he's so mad about, I gotta make it up to him. And Axel and the other Nobodies, too. We...all did what we thought was right at the time, but I didn't really want to fight them, you know?"

She did. He knew she did. But somehow talking about it with her made him feel less wretched about the whole thing. He had killed people...and that was inexcusable. Axel, Demyx, Xigbar...Naminé...Roxas. They were all here now, like they were giving him a second chance, and he didn't want to waste it.

Now if only he could figure out what he was supposed to be doing...

Well, maybe a camping trip would clear his head.

[[ooc: also, just a quick note--i personally am very laid-back about posting orders. it's good to keep stuff generally organized, but if someone says something directly to your character feel free to go ahead and respond, you don't have to wait 'til your turn comes around again. just don't end up running off with seven volleys before anyone else gets a word in. Kairi-mun shares this sentiment; just don't be a jerk and we don't have to go in exact order all the time.

also i think we should reply to the OP to keep the log from getting completely squashed, since everyone will be in the same space and hearing everyone else's conversation, threading it would be silly. if two people break off to have a private conversation, that would be good to thread, however.

so go nuts and don't worry about pissing me or Kairi off; just have fun and we'll figure it out as we go. ^_^]]

inoue orihime, yuffie kisaragi, sora, matsuri, rikku, kairi, repliku, abarai renji

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