(no subject)

Jun 21, 2008 23:58

Who: Rikku albhedpotion and Shibuya Yuuri daemon_koenig and anyone else who feels like playing
What: Random meeting in the library! Leading to the kitchens, perhaps.
When: Nao?
Where: The library, and then maybe the kitchens.
Rating: PG :D

Rikku reshelved the thick book with a small "oomph" of effort as she pushed it back into the place. The shelves were jammed so full of reading material that it was a real effort to get it wedged back into place. She frowned and looked around and scratched her head. "Well, I thought there might be something here but..."

Rikku looked both ways; wall-to-wall shelves of books stretching up to the ceiling. She stuck her lower lip out in a small pout; it was just too much for her! Especially alone. And especially since she didn't like books that much. No, she'd have to try to find out how to get home some other way--or at least find some help.

rikku, shibuya yuuri

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