{thread} lining the pieces up at last.

Feb 02, 2008 20:24

Who: Riku (
silverstung) and Sora (
What: A spar~ and maybe some walking around after, who knows.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: A field.
Rating: PG for mild violence.

Riku stifled a yawn as he lay in the grass, back propped up by his elbows so he could look at the sky or see if Sora was coming anytime soon. The air here wasn't anything like the beach. It had just a touch of humidity, nothing like the tropical blanket of heat at home. He ran his fingers through his bangs and closed his eyes for a second. A childish hope fluttered through his mind. Maybe if he just imagined himself somewhere else... He tilted his head back and ignored the slight rush of blood to his head.

Sand between his toes... waves crashing incessantly in his ears... and the tiniest breath of salty-sweet ocean, sifting through his hair and whispering of far-off places-- castles by the sea, whalesong beneath the moon, and beyond that, busy ports and busier merchants, animals packing for a long trek home--

Riku flinched and snapped awake, his body's unconscious reaction to falling asleep. He sat up and looked around with a bit more caution. How long had he been out?

riku, sora

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