the apology

Jan 18, 2008 16:35

Who: Kairi (loving_light) & Riku (silverstung)
What: An agreed-upon meeting after this fiasco.
When: Now? Before the day's end.
Where: Kairi's room; 215.
Rating: PG-13 just in case Riku's picked up a bit of a mouth.

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kairi, riku

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loving_light January 19 2008, 01:02:34 UTC
Kairi jumped a bit, having been seated on her bed and flipping through pages of the journal. She looked up, saw the shadow of feet outside her door, and breathed deeply for a moment.


He really didn't remember her. He didn't know her, nor did he seem to like her now... Hopefully Sora wouldn't be the same way, but by what everyone had been saying, at least he was here. She would still have the both of them, even if she had to earn Riku back. But even though he'd forgotten her voice, her name, her face... She didn't believe anything could take away his memory of her heart.

She stood from the bed, walking over and turning the knob. She waited, then opened it inward, peeking out from behind it to look at him.

And there he was.


silverstung January 19 2008, 01:10:40 UTC
He really didn't remember anything. Those impossibly aqua eyes settled on the redheaded girl without so much as a flicker of recognition. Her entire life had been erased from his memory-- everything-- and while some things didn't add up, for the most part he'd just become more attached to Sora.

"Kairi, right?" If he didn't know her, then why did her name fall from his lips so easily? "I'm Ri--" He stopped. She already knew him. There was no need for introductions, then. A hand came up to scratch the back of his head while his eyes fell to the floor. He'd never felt so desperate and foolish in his life until today. "... Can I come in? The castle is under siege from a large population of green terriers," he said seriously.


loving_light January 19 2008, 01:15:52 UTC
Kairi nodded at first, then winced when he almost introduced himself. So many years they'd been together with Sora, so many times they'd played on the island, so many days when Sora and Riku would protect her, and tell her they'd always be there...

To have him say that... was heartbreaking beyond comprehension.

She backed away from the door, opening it all the way and stepping over to her bed. She sat back down, her hands on her knees and her eyes sad as she stared at the floor. It was obvious she'd been crying only minutes ago. "Terriers, huh...? This place... really is weird, isn't it...?"


silverstung January 19 2008, 01:36:22 UTC
There was something... something so incredibly... he couldn't even put his finger on it, could barely swallow his apprehension as he followed Kairi inside and shut the door behind him. He kept his eyes hidden, knowing full well he was a huge fuckup and that he didn't want Kairi to read his thoughts like the rest of the women around here ( ... )


loving_light January 19 2008, 01:54:21 UTC
"You're so nervous..." Kairi started very quietly, a slight smile coming to her face as she looked up at him, though she still looked so sad. "Riku..." She sighed, standing up and stepping up to him. She hesitantly reached for his hand and took it, pulling it toward her and wrapper both of her hands around it gently. She kept her eyes fixed on their hands as she spoke. "I would never-- no... I couldn't ever hate you... I'll always consider you my friend, no matter what you do. Ever since we were little, you've... been there for me. You and Sora both. You... always protected me. I'm always going to do the same for you, because I can never repay the two of you for how much care you've given me in the past ( ... )


silverstung January 19 2008, 02:13:07 UTC
Riku flinched at the touch as if burned. Since he'd arrived at the castle, no one had touched him save the necessary contact of carrying a body, or a brief handshake. And Kairi-- well, not only was she a denizen of light, but pure on top of that. He sensed it. He smelled it thanks to his time in the dark. It took him a moment to realize he wasn't burning alive ( ... )


loving_light January 19 2008, 02:25:17 UTC
Kairi nodded slightly, reopening her eyes. "I fell... into the wrong hands, as one of the princesses... And Sora gave his heart to restore me when my own was gone. He... came back, but... Then we were separated. All of us... You behind the door, Sora with Donald and Goofy, and me back on the Destiny Islands, waiting for you two to come home. I stayed there... and for a year, I could barely remember Sora. No one else did, everyone only remembered you... But when Namine put everything back into place, it all became clear." She stared at Riku, wishing that he could remember... wishing that the pain wasn't there. It was just all too much to bear-- She had lost her home again, and now she'd lost Riku ( ... )


silverstung January 19 2008, 02:40:40 UTC
She was the missing piece. Riku couldn't explain it, she just was. There was a long period of rather awkward silence. Riku was amazed it all fit, and that even after his fit and the horrible things he must've put her through, she could still find it in her cute little pure heart to forgive him.

"... Kairi," he whispered. In another time, in another place, a confused boy had whispered her name over and over to try and wake her up. It was no use-- she had no heart. And now, he had no memory. But they were friends. Sora was the key to everything, and destiny had finally reunited all three of them.

There was only the soft rustle of his cloak as he pulled the redhead into his arms. No word-- just the sweet silence of absolution.


loving_light January 19 2008, 02:52:00 UTC
Kairi felt her heart jump when the words met her ears. There was nothing else on her mind at that point-- only the fact that she had him back. She had almost lost him... He had grown angry in front of her, he had yelled at her, gone as far as to tell her to leave Sora alone... But she had him again. It felt right, there in his arms. She didn't care that she was in an unfamiliar place, that there were more than one Organization XIII members there with her, that Namine was turned cold and rude by the castle at the moment... She didn't even care that she'd lost the sight in her left eye.

She was alright... because she was safe. Because... Riku really did care for her, really did remember the feeling of her being there somewhere deep inside him, locked away and untouchable.

She clung to him, not wrapping her arms around him, but keeping herself close and finally letting herself go. She could cry here, just a little...

Just a little...


silverstung January 19 2008, 03:08:02 UTC
Riku felt the tiniest twinge of something, and then it flittered away. He had to recap the current situation.

A) Riku was a fuckin' retard.
B) It actually wasn't his fault.
C) But he was still retarded.
D) He had an attractive girl crying on him at the moment and he had no recollection of ever meeting her.
E) He now had someone else to protect.
F) He now had someone else who knew what he'd gone through and would listen to him as long as he said something.
G) He was still going to get his ass kicked when Sora found out.

Riku sighed softly, a bit of silver hair fluttering as he adjusted his grip on the poor pink-clad princess. Unsure of what to say, he could only rest his chin the top of her head and envelop her in the same strong, warm arms that had once carried her to hell and back. His eyebrow quirked as he felt the beginnings of sobs, and he offered her a small backrub.

"Sora's gonna kick me really hard for making you cry twice," he murmured with the most hesitant of smiles. "But that's okay. I deserve it."


loving_light January 19 2008, 03:28:31 UTC
Kairi laughed just a bit, shaking more in his arms in doing so. "You don't deserve anything of the sort." She said, burying her face in his chest. "Y-you... may have meant it at the time, but I know you'd do whatever you could to erase that it ever happened..." She felt herself calming and soon she had stopped her little bit of crying ( ... )


silverstung January 19 2008, 03:50:25 UTC
Riku could only continue smiling, trying to ease her fears no matter how guilty he felt inside. "I would," he agreed. "I was being... selfish." Agh. Happens a lot with children of darkness.

He fell silent as she began to answer his question. It was only when she said she loved them both equally that he felt a little lurch in his heart. This girl, whom he'd shared such a tight past with (apparently), would give her life for him in a heartbeat. Maybe-- maybe if he dug down deep enough, he could remember feeling that... for someone other than Sora.

"Kairi." His grip on her slackened a little but he didn't push her away. "I don't want you to be another casualty. As long as Sora and I can still breathe-- we'll protect you."

Guilt. It was raw and sour and he was used to its taste by now, but he would never, ever enjoy it.


loving_light January 19 2008, 04:02:45 UTC
Kairi pulled herself back lightly, not out of his arms, but enough to look up at him comfortably. She mentally cursed him for being so tall, but it made her feel... safer, even if she didn't like being so short compared to him. She smiled softly, and leaned up, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

"I know you will... No ammount of magic can take away what lies deepest inside."


silverstung January 19 2008, 04:19:04 UTC
Riku wasn't sure what to say to that. Nothing that made him sound intelligent, anyway. He settled for a nervous chuckle and averting his eyes as best as he could. Those long bangs could hide them, but they did nothing for his slight blush. Stupid modesty complex or lack thereof.

"It's getting kind of late..."


loving_light January 19 2008, 04:22:36 UTC
Kairi noticed the blush as she let go of him, knowing he was nervous, unprepared, and embarrassed. She smiled, and looked down at her feet, then back up at him.

"You'll be wanting to head back to your room, then...?" She questioned with just the slightest bit of hope that he would stay. However, if he didn't she could get Sora to come see her, too...


silverstung January 19 2008, 04:31:53 UTC
Riku nodded reluctantly. "Don't want to overstay my welcome or anything... Besides, you haven't caught up with Sora yet." He glanced away again. "Knowing him, he'll be really happy to see you." Or anyone from his past, for that matter. He tried to ignore whatever jealousy threatened to well up.

When he brought his eyes to Kairi again, there was the most delicate of smiles waiting for her. This was the same Riku who had gone through hell and back for his friends. He hadn't ditched the old masochistic habits, but he was healing a little more every day... or that's what he wanted to believe.

He shattered the fairytale and stepped toward the door. "I'm in room 902 if you need anything." He paused, cast a glance over his shoulder. "Take care of yourself."


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