[THREAD] Stir crazy.

Jan 03, 2008 20:25

Who: Daniel Jackson (xthchance) and Vala Mal Doran (galacticthief)
What: Vala and Daniel get stuck in Daniel's room Christmas Eve, and without a way out they're stuck with each other -- and their issues.
When: 24 December (WAY backlogging is go)
Where: Room 220
Rating: PG-13?

Vala's first Christmas, and it had to be here.

Daniel had wondered, in passing - just random thoughts when driving to work, spotting Christmas lights strung up on Colorado houses in the middle of August - what Vala's first time celebrating Christmas would've been like. She was still new to the cultures and the customs, had asked about the holiday once or twice, and now here they were in Paradisa, far, far away from the SGC and anyone they knew, far from the safety of ducking out and going home or to his office if things started getting squirrelly -- just the two of them celebrating it in Daniel's assigned castle room.

The whole idea put a knot in his stomach.

But here he was, closing his journal and giving his room a quick glance-over to make sure everything was decent. The recently-added fireplace was crackling away, casting shadows on the two chairs in front of it and the modest little tree in the corner. He'd even made the gesture to put out a bottle of wine.

Now it was just a matter of waiting to see if the evening would go without hitch.

daniel jackson, vala mal doran

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