HOSTILE TAKEOVAR!!!1!!1eleventy! [log → fin.]

Dec 31, 2007 11:36

Who: Chris (nottwiceblessed) & Hamlet (dramatic_orange).
What: A room change.
When: Today, sometime after Hamlet's stopped sparkling.
Where: Room 710.
Rating: None. /o/

The mechanical noise of the Air Trek slowly moving along the floors could be heard by anyone with an open door, a monotonous sound that was followed by a sudden thud. The sound faded, then came back and rushed toward the staircase. There was the sound of someone jumping, then hitting something, then going for a moment, jumping, and landing. There was a sigh, and then the sound of someone lifting a large bag.

Hamlet glided down the halls and stopped outside of a door with the name 'Chris Perry Halliwell' on it. This was the place... Room 710. He backed up, reached in his pocket, and pulled out a small rock. He lifted his hand, and threw it as if he were skipping it. It hit the door with a bang and bounced off, skittering down the hallway. Hamlet immediately crouched, ready to press down and speed forward when the door opened...

Sitting at his desk, Chris leafed through the pages not of his journal, but of the cookbook he had found on the mantle of the fireplace on Christmas morning. He smiled a little as he came upon a recipe he wrote down himself at the age of eleven, with some parts scribbled over and rewritten later by Piper (mostly where he spelled something wrong or wrote down the wrong ingredient).

Then there was a bang. Out of instinct, Chris slammed the book shut and raised a hand, prepared for some sort of intruder, but no one was there. It took him a moment to realize that someone had probably just knocked on the door and he rolled his eyes at himself. Calm down, Chris.

Pushing back his chair, he moved over to the door and opened it, preparing a blank look for whomever was waiting on the other side.

And there was Hamlet, ready to burst forward like a rocket the moment the door opened and change that blank look... And he did just that, leaning his feet forward in his A-Ts and flying right passed Chris with his rather large bag stuffed with only God knew what. He stopped himself in the middle of the room, looked for an open space and set his bag down and immediately started pulling things out-- books, clothes, the pictures Paradisa had given him for Christmas, his shoes, and-- Hitsu-chan?

Stunned, the only thing Chris could do was move out of the way as Hamlet rushed in with the force of a tsunami. Turning around and giving him a look, he watched the antics for only a second before he snapped, "What are you doing?"

Without missing a beat, or sounding the slightest bit intruding or awkward, Hamlet smiled and replied. "Moving in~" The words came as though he'd been thinking about this for some time now... However, he'd only thought about it the night before, and had purposefully failed to tell Chris about his plans. After all, he didn't need to know. If he had, he might ahve said no, and Hamlet instinctively knew that if you wanted something from someone like Chris, you just did what you wanted and they'd more than likely say it was alright as long as you were persistent. How did he know this? He had no clue.

"You're..." Chris paused for a moment, then nodded and looked completely welcoming. "Oh, sure. Moving in. Of course." He moved over to the desk, swirled the chair around and sat on it backwards, watching Hamlet for a moment. Then he brought his hands up incredulously - ignoring the pain traveling up the still-healing arm he had injured at the staircase - and burst, "What?"

Sitting back in the chair, he laid his hands on the backrest and gave Hamlet a look. So he would burst in and decide he was staying in Chris's room now? Chris could even fathom the reasoning behind such a decision, nor the drive. Why would Hamlet want to room with him anyway? Frowning, Chris crossed his arms. "I don't think I heard you right."

Hamlet didn't even flinch at the yelling, though it was slightly uncharacteristic of Chris's calmer self... Then again, anyone would yell under such surprise, so he wasn't shocked about it. "Oh, sure you did~ I said I'm moving in~!" He stood up and turned around, standing on the heels of his A-Ts for a moment. He put his hands on his hips, and Histu-chan moved to sit on Chris's bed. "Honestly. Do you have any reason to object to it here in Paradisa?"

Chris's gaze flickered to the kitten as it started to make its bed among the pillows at the head. He turned back to Hamlet and frowned. There was plenty of reason to object to it, especially in Paradisa. At one point or another, one of them was going to leave (it was an inevitability he had come to face only a few days before and something he could only accept if he was going to function). If they got to the point where they were comfortable and friendly enough to share a room, when one of them was sent back home or died permanently or whatever it was that happened, the other would be left. And Chris didn't want to inflict that upon Hamlet... or have it inflicted upon himself.

However, he'd also heard of people that had been in the Castle for an entire year... and an entire year without letting anyone get close enough to hurt enough when they left. He'd done it before, in his own world, but that was with the task of saving Wyatt and a visible payout he knew was worth the pain. In Paradisa, there was no payout, no reason to keep away from friendships that might just keep him from falling back into his thoughts and memories.

Exhaling slowly, Chris set his crossed arms along the back of the chair and laid his head on it in silent surrender, not even paying attention to the twinge of protest from his arm. In the end the points became moot and, in a place like Paradisa, he could see no reason to object.

Hamlet smiled to himself and nodded. "Right then." He immediately started moving things out of the way before he asked the castle for another bed. It was given to them in the space Hamlet had cleared out, and the boy began to put his things away. This appearing bed had no affect on the teen, but apparently kittens weren't used to that sort of thing. Hitsu-chan arched up and hissed, running and hiding beneath Chris's desk. Once the task of clean-up was completed, he sat on his bed. By then, the kitten had come out to investigate. "No more rooming alone for us~"

He sighed into his arms. What's done was done and it looked like he was going to have to put up with Sparkles (literally, if the Castle had its way like it had a few days ago) on a much more frequent basis. Not that he could complain too much, but...

Tilting his head so he could see Hamlet sitting on the new bed, Chris just raised a brow and asked, "Why?"

Hamlet's only response was to remove his A-Ts and pull his legs up to hug his knees. He looked at him from over the top of them, his own eyebrow raised in a half-mocking manner. "Why not?" He retorted, wondering how he would react to his mockery.

Histu-chan jumped up onto the bed and sat next to Hamlet, curling up against him.

Chris glanced down to the A-Ts and narrowed his eyes at them briefly, knocking them under the bed. He looked back to Hamlet and raised a brow in return. "There are plenty of reasons why not. However, I asked first."

Hamlet's eyes softened to an almost saddened state. He knew he had to respond, because if someone was going to use the 'I asked you first' thing, they weren't going to give it up easily. "... Do you really want to be alone...? At night, it doesn't matter how old you are, if you hear something or see something... you want someone else there to tell you whether it was real or not, right? I guess this is sort of because I'm not used to staying alone for more than a couple days at a time... That's kind of selfish..."

Chris brought his hand over his face and sighed. "Whatever, Sparkles," he finally replied, using the nickname he usually reserved for times when no one else would hear it. He waved the hand around as if he didn't care. "It's not like I can stop you at this point."

Hamlet smiled to himself. However, it only lasted a minute before he looked directly at Chris. "... You have to answer my question now... You said there were plenty of reasons why not... What are they?" He asked, his voice more serious now than it usually ever was.

Chris didn't hesitate in answering. It wasn't as if Hamlet was known to give up easily and there wasn't any reason to hold back. "One of us is going to leave. It may be tomorrow, it may be next month or next year... but it'll happen. And then someone's going to get left behind, right?"

"... And then the other leaves and no one remembers anything, so they aren't hurt anymore," Hamlet retorted. "I noticed... someone leaves, and if they ever come back they never remember being here. So... even if one of us does end up leaving... we know that the other won't remember eventually." He was quiet for a minute. "... Hopefully, by then, we'll have other people to lean on... B-besides... Even if one of us left right now, the other would be sad. Right?"

"That's exactly my point," Chris said with a frown. "If one of us left right now..." He sighed and leaned against the back of the chair, not finishing his thought.

"We'd be sad either way," Hamlet replied. "We might as well make the best of the time we've got, since we know it won't last for forever..." Even saying this, all Hamlet was thinking about now was how upset he'd be if he lost Chris. Those thoughts led to another, and soon he was reminded that he had a 'best friend' who he didn't remember... and if he ever came, how would he take knowing that he was forgotten...?

"Stop it," Chris said, seeing the look on Hamlet's face. After a moment, he added, "Hypocrite," not unkindly.

Hamlet blinked a bit, surprised at him. It didn't take him long to figure out what was going on, but it took... too long, for Hamlet's normal state of mind. He smiled a bit, though he still looked sad as he let his legs fall back down to the floor and off of the bed. "Sorry..." He said quietly.

Chris shook his head and finally stood, kicking the chair back to the desk. "Come on. I think I read about a New Year's party in the journal." He tilted his head to the door in symbolic of leaving and held his good hand out for Hamlet to take. "You wanna check it out?"

Hamlet blinked. A party sounded fun... and as far as he knew, Akito-san was hosting it. He had wanted to check it out beforehand... and he appreciated that Chris wanted him to be happy and to keep him from being upset. That meant he was honoring their promise, and it was a good thing, too. He reached out and took his hand, using him for support to pull himself up off of the bed. "Yeah... Let's go."

hamlet, chris perry halliwell

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