(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 03:17

Who: Gaara noeyelinerhere and Gai gohardwork
What: Gaara needs his training. He was promised training. >\ So he's going to pull Gai out of his pedodepression.
When: A couple of days from now.
Where: Gai's room :)
Rating: Oh wow. You never know with these two. I'm going for PG.

"This is it, men." He held his hands behind his back, a paper hat atop of his head, staring out the window of the castle, imagining it to be a ship. He had made a childish fort out of the pillows and blankets on the King-sized bed in his room, and he only had the bottom half of his spandex on. The top half was wrapped around his stomach like a sash, while his hitai-ate(usually worn around his waist) was slung tightly over one of his eyes. His posture was stiff and straight, and he knew he could go on like this forever. After all, he could just get food from the ghosts, he had a bathroom to wash up in... yes, he'd be just fine. And as a result, so would the innocent youth of the castle, as long as he stayed indoors.

"We will make those unyouthful cretins pay! They choose to pursue such revolutionary actions, and so they will rue the day they have messed with Prince Gai, King of the Nine Seas of the Mist!" He placed one leg on the bed, holding out a branch toward the window as if it were a sword. "Are you all ready!?" He looked back at the various stuffed animals on his bed that he had asked the castle for, and frowned at their faces that lacked any sort of passion or ambition. "You lazy sea-scum! I want you to work hard, run into that sunset!!!" He shouted, grabbing a stuffed bear and throwing it out the window at the setting sun.

Suddenly, he gasped in horror, running toward the window and watching it fall to the ground, stories below. "NOOOO, YOUTHIE. I DIDN'T MEAN THAT WAY!!" He looked back at the accusing eyes of the rest of the stuffed animals, aware they had witnessed the murder of a crewmate. Not even stuffed animals were safe from him.

"Who am I kidding?" He dropped to his knees. "I've ruined the wonderful, heroic image I had with the Kazekage. His role model, Maito Gai, his trusted taijutsu sensei... betraying his youthful innocence! And that scarred child!! I've emotionally scarred him, too!! And Yamato--" He gritted his teeth. "Well, I don't care about that jerk." He sighed. "But what would my students think? Miss Ty Lee? Wiggins? Naruto would be ashamed to wear my wonderful jumpsuit!! And my rival..."

He buried his face in his hands, manly tears streaming down his face.

gaara, gai

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