[THREAD] we get some rules to follow;

Dec 26, 2007 20:39

Who: Akito (fangedking) & Zelman (xxbloodflame)
What: Zelman shows off his crazy pyro powers. Because he can. 8D
When: Around now, I suppose.
Where: Zelman's room. B)b
Rating: PG. Really.

Standing on the ceiling was easy. Opening a box on the ceiling was hard. Zelman had to keep adjusting the way he tilted the box so that the contents wouldn't tip out the side and spill onto the floor a good nine below. He looked at the piece of paper in his free hand. "Sayuka" was written on it in lettering so perfect it almost looked like it belonged in a textbook.

He gave it a look, drawing up connections to the name. He knew the name--he'd heard it over and over for years, but it was getting harder to connect a face and voice to it. He wasn't even sure why she'd been important anymore. He probably wouldn't have a guess by that time tomorrow.

He shook his head and slipped the paper in the box, figuring that was the point of a loss, after all. It was probably important. Who cared--he had complete control of Eye Ignite back. He smiled a little at the thought that he was once again the Bearer of the God's Flame, closed the clasp, and placed the wooden black box back into hole in the floor--excuse me, the ceiling.

zelman clock, wanijima akito

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