(no subject)

Dec 20, 2007 01:15

Who: Gai [ gohardwork ] and Gaara [noeyelinerhere ]
What: Gai training the Kazekage in taijutsu
When: Today. Every day. Forever. Today, though.

He adjusted his footing on the limb of his hiding spot, trying to stay as hidden as possible in the leaves of the tree, thankful his jumpsuit fit in perfectly with the vibrant, various shades of green that adorned the branch, grinning and squinting his eyes just barely as he saw the Kazekage approaching their assigned training spot.

Now was the time! The time for their passions to collide in a river of tears and sweat, to feel true, blinding ecstasy through the sheer force of their bodies. This was youth, and Gai felt incredibly happy and honoured to have trained Gaara thus far. Something about the young man made Gai feel as if he was putting a piece of some larger puzzle together inside of his mind just by looking at him. He had no idea why he felt some self-professed connection to him, and pondered briefly that perhaps this was destiny calling! Not the destiny that Neji had constantly ranted on, but the youthful type, that wasn't a jerk to everyone. It was his purpose, his nindo to train Gaara to become proficient in taijutsu! Well, for now. After this he'd make his nindo to bake the best cake on earth, or to slip laxatives in Yamato's coffee or something.

He readied himself as the boy approached. He'd sneak up on him, testing his reflexes. There's no way he could see this coming with my speed, Gai thought to himself. Clenching his fists and bending his legs at the knee just a bit more, he pushed off the branch with all of his might, diving towards Gaara with his arms wide open.

"I HAVE YOU NOW!" He was going to hug that child, and there was nothing Gaara could do about it. Except, well, what he'd been doing about it the last few sessions. Sand in the face.

gaara, gai

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