(no subject)

Dec 19, 2007 17:05

Who: Patrick Murphy (egregiousity), Even (illicitsolution)
What: Nothing to see here. Go away.
When: Right after this.
Where: Murphy's room.
Rating: PG-13. R for Retarded.

Murphy led the way into his room, letting go of Even's arm once they were inside so he could close the door behind them. To say he was relieved that Even was back was something of an understatement; for a while there he'd been worried that he wouldn't come back. Of course, the fact that that bothered him at all was... a little bit unsettling. Murphy still had problems when it came to acknowledging that he liked someone.

"I didn't move any of your things." he said, just a little awkwardly. "Everything should be where you left it."

patrick murphy

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