[thread] just as every cop is a criminal,

Dec 13, 2007 18:04

Who: Revy (devoiding) and Schuldig (dirtyrottenliar)
What: A drinking game. 8)
When: Last night.
Where: idk Disneyland. A bar in town.
Rating: PG-13 for language and possible violence. 8D

Schuldig had put the most consideration, as usual, into what he would wear. The general population was, on average, pretty good-looking, especially what few non-teenage women there were, and that factored into it somewhat; but he was vain anyway. The biggest issue was whether or not to wear a jacket, i.e., whether or not to bring his gun.

There was no real need to, but he did like having it on him, in case he met some evil bastard with a grudge against him in the hall or got into a really bad mood and wanted to threaten someone to make himself feel better. In the end he decided yeah, what the hell, and walked out of his room looking a little more formal than he'd planned, but armed.

He took the elevator down, deciding along the way that she'd probably be a brunette (but hoping she'd be blonde), and that if by some fluke she was ugly, or fifteen, or a vampire or something weird like that, at least she had good taste in entertainment.

revy, schuldig

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