[thread] visitors' hours in the clinic

Dec 12, 2007 23:39

Who: Lucy Saxon (faithful_lucy) and Peter Carlisle (hollowlegs)
What: Peter visits Lucy in the clinic.
When: After this.
Where: The clinic!
Rating: PG

Lucy closed her journal and set it on the little bedside table with a sigh. Her writing hand ached from the exertion and the large, shiny patch of burned skin on her arm pulled uncomfortably as she settled back into her semi-reclined position. Being trapped in this narrow hospital bed was becoming tedious in the extreme. She had so been looking forward to leaving and making her move to the Doctor's room; now her release had been set back another handful of days while her burns and shattered bones, courtesy of Superboy-Prime, healed.

At least she had someone coming to break the monotony. The Doctor had been gone for several days during the first stage of her convalescence, and even though he was back now, she couldn't expect him to spend every moment with her. (No, he'd be spending every moment with the Master. Lucy shoved that ugly thought away.) So it was quite good to make another acquaintance who'd offered to visit her.

She grimaced at the thought of what she must look like--definitely not prepared to make a good first impression--and closed her eyes to wait for Peter Carlisle's arrival.

lucy saxon, peter carlisle

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