
Jun 24, 2007 21:19

Who: Ruby, Speed
What: Ruby goes to visit
When: Nau
Where: Speed's room
Rating: PG-13 -- R (Ruby's got a naughty mouth?)

I know I'll see you again
whether far or soon. But I need you to know that I care and I miss you.

tim speedle, ruby

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go_speedle_go June 25 2007, 04:22:14 UTC
Speed paused only slightly in his writing as he heard the knock on his door. Several seconds later he finished up what he was writing and set the pen down, turning his head slightly to stare at the door almost as if he could see through it to the other side and discern who was on the other side.

The paper in front of him wasn't the journal. Mostly it was a set of small doodles and drawings, with a floor plan of an old crime scene he recalled from memory sketched in most of the space. He was trying, somewhat, to keep his skill up, and the writings were small notes he made of each item in the crime-scene room.

After another moment of staring the CSI finally scraped back his chair and stood up. He had already taken a shower earlier that evening, and as such he was dressed only in a large shirt and a faded pair of jeans. His bare feet made hardly any noise as he walked across the room to the door. He ran an idle hand through his hair, still vaguely damp and clumped together, before opening the door. He leaned against the wall as he peered out.


notsomuchakitty June 25 2007, 04:32:40 UTC
Ruby only knocked on the door that once, even when he didn't come at first. She stood still for only a moment or two before she began to fidget a little, tapping her fingers against the sides of her legs firs then rocking back and forth a little on the balls of her feet and looking around.

What was taking him so damn long? Was he sleeping or something. She looked outside. The moon was just rising, it was a bit early for him to have been in bed. Maybe she should have ambushed him like she usually did. Then again if she'd done that she took the chance of catching him running around naked or something. She paused.... maybe she should have ambushed him like she usually did.

Ruby! she scolded herself. Goddess! She'd been hanging around the twins too much recently. This was Speed she was talking about. If she was going to see him naked she would prefer it be by his choice.

There. She heard quiet stirring from inside the room. The door handle turned and she felt, for some reason, vaguely nervous. Had it really been that long since she'd gotten to see her friend?

Speed opened the door and leaned against the wall in a very Speed-like manner. Ruby's face broke into a smile and she surprised even herself by moving forward and wrapping her arms securely around him and resting her cheek against his chest.


go_speedle_go June 29 2007, 18:06:53 UTC
Speed wondered if he petted her at the moment if she would purr. Then the thought left him as quickly as the unbidden thought had appeared and he forgot about it. He had to admit though, he liked the way she felt nuzzled against his chest.

Thoughts aside, Speed was startled into inaction only for a brief moment as she suddenly "attacked" him. Then his arms, a bit slowly and awkwardly at first but not so much once in place, were around her as well and squeezing gently in hug fashion. He managed to keep the creeping smile from spreading across his face as he looked down at her.

"Oh, hullo," he said as casually as possible, trying not to give in to the urge to play with her silken hair.


notsomuchakitty July 4 2007, 23:32:06 UTC
The funny thing was that normally when people tried to pet her Ruby would snap at someone that she wasn't a pet or sit there and glare ferociously until said person was through petting her but secretly she did love to be pet. Right on the side/bottom of her jaw was just fantastic and chances were that in the mellow mood she was in she would have indeed begun to purr. Chances were that he wouldn't have been able to extract himself from her grasp for considerably longer had he started to pet her...not that he'd be escaping any time soon as it was.

Ruby didn't bother saying anything to Speed right away. She just closed her eyes breathed in his clean scent then sighed softly. She hadn't been expecting to assault him but now that she had she realized it felt terribly nice to be held. It had been a long time since she'd last even allowed it. She'd held others and had a few brief hugs but this was something that rarely happened to her. She liked it, despite how rarely she let it happen.

Ruby found it very amusing that Speed was acting as if she hadn't surprised/effected him in any way. Then again she always found it amusing how he always liked to pretend that she didn't effect him in any way. After a few moments she opened her eyes and looked up at him, not removing her arms from around him nor lifting her cheek from his chest. She just tipped her head up and looked up at him through her dark purple lashes with a little smile before saying an extremely casual, "hi."

(ooc: AUUUGH so sorry. I promise promise promise the next one will be super fast!)


go_speedle_go July 8 2007, 00:00:59 UTC
Urge resisted--just barely--he tilted his head ever-so-slightly downward to glance at her. He raised one lone eyebrow as he simply stared down at her without a word. His expression was otherwise exactingly expressionless.

After a moment of this endured silence, Speed glanced around and out the door. "Hmm," he mused. He glanced over his shoulder and started inching his way backwards, carrying Ruby with him as he went. He closed the door while he was at it.

((That's ok, I'll just return the favor... XD))


notsomuchakitty July 8 2007, 00:19:28 UTC
Ruby felt him start to move backward and for a moment there, much to her dismay, she thought he was pulling away from her. She didn't like that idea at all. She wanted very much to cling.

It became clear in just a moment, though, that he didn't appear to have any intention of letting her go, just backing into his room. It was sensible but it looked and felt silly, the two of them inching backward while still clinging to each other. Ruby muffled a giggle into Speed's shirt and hid her face again as he shut the door.

(ooc: <3)


go_speedle_go July 9 2007, 17:34:21 UTC
Speed smirked down at the giggling Ruby. "Oh, like this do we?" he said amused. "Enjoying the stroll?" he added a step later. "How about the twirl?" And before Ruby could respond to the unusual question, Speed grabbed her forearms gently and spun the two of them around. The small twirl ended with Ruby held arms length away from him, held out as if they had just completed a complex twirl in some sort of fancy dance.

He grinned down at her for a moment. "My lady," he said seriously. He dipped his head.

A moment later, again before she could respond or react, he pulled her back to him, back to his warm chest. He repressed the second grin minutely, instead favoring a small smirk. Glanced down at her. Finally settled, he again wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.


notsomuchakitty July 9 2007, 18:15:49 UTC
Ruby peeked up from where she'd hidden her face to laugh as Speed spoke, just smiling in amusement until...twirl? Ruby caught her breath, slightly startled by the unexpected movement as Speed twirled them. She laughed a little and glanced at the way he held her out as if they'd been dancing.
Ironically enough it was possibly as close as she'd ever get to it for, embarrassingly enough for Ruby, in all her 327 years she had never learned to dance.

She tilted her head a little at his 'My Lady' usually she hated being called Lady with a fiery passion but Speed was just being silly...... Imagine it...Silly...Speed. She had no idea what could have possibly sparked such a silliness in such a normally un-silly man but she wasn't about to complain. In fact, what she was about to do was to dip into a little curtsy and offer up a 'mi'lord' when Speed pulled her back into him. She glanced up, more than a little slightly mystified with his behavior, just to be greeted by a smirk and his arms around her to hold her again.

Ruby blinked at him curiously for a moment then chuckled and returned the embrace silently for a few moments before speaking again. "Good mood?" was all she asked, however. It was funny to her that a young human had the ability to surprise her on so many occasions. Funny and pleasant.


go_speedle_go July 9 2007, 18:29:48 UTC
Speed shrugged. "You seemed content enough," he said without further explanation. He stood motionlessly a moment more, just holding her to him. Eventually restlessness won however.

"Sit?" he asked. He dragged the two to his bed, the only place they could both sit at the same time without separating, and sat the two of them down. Now if he could only think of something to say to get rid of the awkward silence...


notsomuchakitty July 9 2007, 19:27:22 UTC
Ruby averted her eyes when he said that she seemed content enough. Had she? In reality she'd come down for two reasons...because she missed seeing Speed and because she wasn't feeling very well emotionally....what with Vexen being off doing whatever it was that he was doing.

Oh well. It was okay now. She already felt significantly better, to be completely honest. She muffled another miniature laugh into his shirt as he scooted them backward toward his bed. The mental image of them doing a strange sort of synchronized waddle backwards held large amounts of entertainment for her.

Ruby couldn't figure out why Speed was one of the only people she'd ever known who could suggest something then do it without waiting for her response without pissing her off. In fact....Ruby sort of liked it. It surprised her a little.

She curled up on the bed against Speed. She didn't really find the silence terribly awkward. She found it relaxing, really...but she figured it was distinctly possible that Speed wasn't quite so relaxed with no conversation so she thought of something to say.

"I'm sorry I don't see you more, Speed," she said quietly. She didn't really have an excuse. She just didn't like invading his personal space that often. Compared to her other friends Speed's privacy seemed more....crucial... no... maybe cherished was a better word.


go_speedle_go July 9 2007, 20:46:16 UTC
Speed watched Ruby curl up easily with a hint of wry-ness in his gaze. So simple--just like a cat. Figures.

He tilted his head slightly at her words. "It's all right." He dismissed it easily despite knowing in his head it wasn't nearly so simple. He was glad she was here, that was for sure.

"You're always busy having fun," he waved a hand in the air, "I'd just slow you down most of the time. Of course, you know I could I always meet your friends and have a drink... I do do that you know." He spoke matter-of-factly, easing into a relaxed state.


notsomuchakitty July 9 2007, 21:16:19 UTC
She sighed and shook her head, squashing herself tighter against Speed's side. "No, Speed. It's not okay, not really." she said sounding vaguely irritated but it was clearly with herself and not with Speed.

She set her head against him and looked at her fingers in her lap as if they were very interesting. "You wouldn't slow me down, Speed. I just don't...want you to get---" She paused, "I don't want some of my 'friends' even knowing you exist. I play a dangerous game a lot of the time....Well..not dangerous for me. They can't hurt me.. but I just...If you got hurt because someone was trying to get to me I would never forgive myself. Not ever."

She made a little bit of a frustrated sound then reached out and took one of his hands in both of hers but was more playing with it than anything. She messed with his fingers as she thought. ".....I guess...you and Murphy might get along..." she said in a sort of distracted manner.


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