(no subject)

Jun 24, 2007 21:19

Who: Ruby, Speed
What: Ruby goes to visit
When: Nau
Where: Speed's room
Rating: PG-13 -- R (Ruby's got a naughty mouth?)

whether far or soon. But I need you to know that I care and I miss you.'>

Ruby closed the door to Murphy's room quietly. He would be a man again soon. She didn't have to worry about him for the night. As if the Twins would let something bad happen to one of their favorite toys. She made a scoffing noise.
Ruby had been feeling... strange. Sad was a word for it but...Ruby was always sad..it seemed different. Maybe she was a little lonely. She'd been with Murphy for several days but it wasn't the same. Murphy was a new friend. She cared about him, sure but she didn't really know him very well. She missed Vexen terribly. She wasn't sure if it showed or not. She hoped it didn't but she really couldn't have been positive. Ruby knew she'd been a little more subdued in the last few days, she just had to hope that no one noticed.

And Speed. Ruby missed Speed a good deal. She wasn't entirely sure why she hadn't just tracked him down to visit him. Maybe it was pride. Hell, she didn't know. All she knew is that she wanted to see him now. She was sick of not doing so and she was going to rectify the situation immediately.

Ruby didn't hurry to Speed's room. She didn't even feel the need to change forms and fly. It was nice to walk sometimes and she'd been getting used to her human form after being in it almost constantly for the past few days. Besides, her smaller form didn't have arms... and she was going to be needing those.

Upon reaching Speed's door she stood in front of it silently for a moment and breathed in. He was home. She could smell his scent all around. Speed smelled oddly like clean. Ruby didn't know how else to describe it. He smelled clean. Like Soap and mouthwash and clean things over his regular human smells. She liked it. It was nice to smell other people's individual smells and whatnot but Speed's clean smell was a nice break from the attack of scents that she put up with all day.

She reached out and knocked softly on the door.

tim speedle, ruby

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