[Thread] Lana and Itachi

Jun 06, 2007 14:08

(ooc: long LJ cut much?)

Who: Lana Lang feather_frost , Uchiha Itachi youlackhate
What: Mourning
When: Last night. 3am? or something.
Where: Music room
Rating: E for Emo PG-13 or something

Lana slipped out of her room as quietly as she could. She thought Henry was sleeping....but maybe he wasn't. Maybe like her he was lying awake thinking of all of the pain he was feeling and why. Maybe.
She didn't want to bother him with it, though. Henry had his own shit to deal with. The last thing he needed was Lana's as well. She didn't need another breakdown on an already broken man.
Lana hadn't slept more than a couple of hours since the night she noticed that Dilan was gone. How long had his room lain empty and she had no idea? How many days had it been since they'd last spoken? God, she didn't even know.

She leaned into the corner of the elevator as it bore her toward the first floor, praying no one entered and rode with her at this time of night. She didn't want to be in anyone's company at the moment. That was a lie. There were two people whose company she craved so deeply that it caused her what felt like physical pain. She looked at her hands to avoid looking anywhere else.
She knew she should get over it. She knew she was reacting to something she'd KNOWN could happen.... but it had been. He had been so strong and solid. He'd always had such a permanent feeling to him. She couldn't help but subconsciously feel that he was never going to leave her. But she had been wrong.

She couldn't remember in the recent past having seen a more heartbreaking sight than what she'd seen when she'd entered Dilan's room that night. Bare. Empty. She'd walked in to absolute nothingness. Lana had lay on the floor where his bed used to be crying for hours, trying to catch anything... the slightest reminder of the way he smelled or the way the room felt when he had been there but there was nothing. It was as if he'd been erased....or had never been there at all. She had cried and cried, cried until she could barely breathe. She could almost feel him holding her and petting her hair and telling her it'd be okay just like he always did. But that made it worse.

Lana walked into the music room and closed the door very quietly. She paused with her hand on the handle. She shook her head and walked to the piano.
Quietly she sat down on the piano bench but she didn't begin to play. She just set her right hand gently on the keys, moving her fingers softly against them. Their feel against her skin was comforting.
She sighed softly, staring at her hand. Dilan hadn't left her mind for more than a few moments. Dilan, Dilan, Dilan... There were so many things I wanted to say.... There was so much I had to tell you. So many things that I wanted you to know...WANT you to know. Things that I will never stop regretting not saying to you when I had the option..
Lana felt wetness on her hand and looked down at it. Apparently a tear had fallen from her eyes. Another was sliding down the opposite cheek.

She closed her eyes for a moment then set her other hand on the keys. Slowly and gently she began to play a sorrowful, haunting piece. Recently she hadn't been playing as much. Only when she was feeling emotional....But she hadn't felt as emotional as she felt at this moment for a very long time. She couldn't remember when she'd felt it last. Perhaps when she'd received notice that Whitney was missing in action. She didn't know. All she knew is she felt this horrible, tormenting emptiness.

She continued to play, staring at the music board as if there was music there, trying to feel numb again. She tried to ignore that she was crying... but the tears were beginning to agitate her skin..there was no ignoring their presence. Lana stopped playing, sliding her hands to rest next to each other on the keys in front of her. A few more tears. Where was the ground? she wondered. Where was something to stand on?

She lay her head down on the tops of her hands, making the keys sink with a discordant sound. Her chest began to tighten but she didn't fight against it. She just breathed and let the sob tear through her body, then another.
She should have been upset about having finally realize she'd lost Zexion as well... but that wasn't for now. That was for another night maybe....
Tonight she cried for Dilan.

uchiha itachi, lana lang

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