THREAD - quit playin' games with my heart

Jun 06, 2007 02:52

Who: Danny and Clarice
What: a little Cuban ass-kicking some one-on-one basketball :D
When: now-ish; after this
Where: downstairs/outside on the basketball court
Rating: let's say PG13, just to be safe

Clarice had been sitting outside the castle door with Puppy, conversing with Danny through the journals as he made his trek downstairs. Once he arrived, she shut the journal, scooped Puppy up with her free hand, and stood. "You think you're tough shit, but just you wait," she said with a grin.

She motioned for Danny to follow her around the side of the castle, where the basketball court was. "Look what finally came! Hope you're prepared to get trounced," she said, again complete with dorky grin.

clarice starling, danny taylor

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