[complete;] a lesson taught

Jun 02, 2007 01:25

Her ears twitched briefly, and her tail flicked quickly before she stopped at the bottom step on the sixth floor. Light eyes flying from one side to the other, she cautiously stepped forward. She had announced her desire to attack one who had allies, and these allies could be a danger to her. Sensitive though her senses were, there was always room for a mistake as she had unfortunately discovered.

Finding that the anger and rage boiling inside caused the yellow of her fur to stand on end, Renamon sought some way of releasing this anger without wasting too much energy. She lifted her paw up and as it began to glow with a strange light, the Digimon threw her fist into the wall beside her, putting a hole the size of her fist into the stone wall. Her paw slid from the wall, pulling rubble and debris from the edges of the damage. Experiencing no pain whatsoever, she flexed her fingers and continued to move on.

Chrono raced down the stairs as fast as his little legs could carry him. He wasn't about to let something like this happen to someone else. Chrono knew nothing about "Tamers" or anything from Renamon's world but he knew from his own experience that there wasn't anything good that would come of this. Rosette had suffered because of foolish mistakes he made. Before coming here he thought he had killed her. He couldn't let someone else go through the same thing because of a partner's temper. It was out of the question.

Chrono got to the 6th floor finally and saw the yellow creature in the hall while she was pounding at the walls. Chrono never got a description of the one he was supposed to stop or even a name but from the sight of pounding walls he thought this had to be them. Despite all the crazy people within the castle, who else would be angrily punching walls? Chrono ran up behind her, keeping his distance. He lacked any decent weapons except two little daggers he found within the castle a few days back, holy water; which obviously wouldn't work on this creature, and spare gospels along with a gun he couldn't even use. He was truly unprepared for any type of logical battle, or at least one that could last over 5 min. Either way, Chrono's determination got the best of him. "Are you the one after that vampire? For your Tamer?" Chrono asked with as calm of a tone as he could resonate. However, it still had a concerned and angry flare to it, but that could not be helped. He took one step closer, the dagger handle near his finger tips. He was clearly already on the losing side. He was tiny, defenseless, had no power, no way to heal, and lacked a decent amount of strength. This would be an interesting and pathetic fight indeed.

The silent fighter turned only her head to see who had addressed her as such. Seeing that it was only what looked to be a child, her feelings of a possible threat had lowered. This one did not pose much of a threat to her, and she returned her paw to her side once again. “I am that one. And you are the one who should be standing in my way?” Still lacking the significant threatened feeling, the fox turned to face him entirely.

Regarding him silently, Renamon stood undefended. She did not act at all, offensively or defensively. Instead, she surveyed him from where she was, taking in his stance and such. Her fingers twitched after having the rush of energy pulse through it for an attack, but otherwise she made no other movements until she turned away from him in a dismissive manner.

“I will not fight you,” she decided finally, stepping calmly away from him. “A fight with you would waste time. I am not supporting of wasting time.” The brief interruption had distracted her from her anger momentarily, but otherwise did nothing to calm the storm. Her paws continued the twitching motions as if itching for the battle to begin already. Renamon knew that he wouldn’t let her walk away. She knew that he wouldn’t allow her to make an attempt at the vampire’s life. She didn’t care, either; her confidence did not allow that.

Chrono wasn't a bit surprised at how much she looked down on him. Aion always did, Stella was the same at first, and any devil that saw him like this did actually. It was a great disguise for pretending to be human though he was never one to hide the fact that he was a devil. Still, he couldn't have anyone be killed over something like this. At this point losing was inevitable but he had to try. If he needed to he would use his power to the lowest extent. He had no horns, no contractor and his astral energy was slimming out as time progressed. But that stupid mind of his wouldn't let him live down yet another failure. He had hurt and almost killed his last Contractor and got the one before her mercilessly killed because of his foolishness. Magdale was hard enough on him but Rosette was unbearable. Why let someone else go through the same problem? Unlike most devils he met that had a Contractor like him this one, despite having nothing to do with Contracts, cared for their "Tamer" so he really couldn't let them do this.

"Don't underestimate me because of this guise." Chrono bluffed. "I'll ask you again, please don't do this. It's a mistake, trust me. I know." Chrono gritted his teeth as he yelled towards her. Not moving a muscle. He was practically praying she'd make the right choice and stand down. His health wasn't a problem, it never was. Maybe it was because he had spent the majority of his life practically immortal but who knows? Chrono placed his hand on a dagger. He was ready to do what was necessary even if it was only to stall her until someone else took care of the rest. Wow, what a weakling he had become. Aion was right about that. But it wasn't something he was ashamed of. "Make your choice. Please, don't do something you'll regret." He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind of all the memories. What else could he do?

Stopping yet again, Renamon turned her head just a bit to the left, her ear twitching one last time. She had been about to look back at him again but something told her not to, and instead she froze in that spot in that same undefended stance that her confidence and bits of arrogance demanded of her. In her mind flew thoughts of the past, a past with a tamer who was strong enough to give orders that made perfect sense. Ruki would always do this; Ruki would always do that, Ruki, Ruki Ruki… She was the strongest human being in her partner’s eyes.

Finally making her decision, the fox twirled around on one foot to face the smaller one. Her right foot slid back and she leaned back on it in a defensive position. Obviously her choice had been made, and she had accepted the inevitable battle. Her paws twitched more freely now, but in a distinct pattern, and she took control of that twitching by flexing them once again.

“This will not be something I regret if I am able to dispose of you,” stated the still calm Digimon, “So that I may continue what I have come down here to do.”

At the sound of her spinning Chrono opened his eyes and his facial expression turned into a disgusted plead. "Why..." He whispered under his breath almost in disbelief that she had made this decision. "There's nothing you can accomplish in a place that brings people back. What good will killing someone that only accidentally hurt them...?" Chrono spoke to himself softly. He knew that answer very well. If Rosette was the one who got hurt he'd be infuriated too. But if she was there to say something he knew she would tell him to calm down that fighting wasn't necessary. Finally some of her teachings were being remembered. Of course, this was after she left the castle, left him, and very well could be dead any day now all thanks to him.

"Heh. I guess there's no other way, is there?" He asked a bit more loudly and clearly so she could hear him. He drew out the daggers leaving them visible. He honestly wasn't that great at combat. And knowing how things normally went he'd probably lose a limb within the next 5 minutes. Chrono closed his eyes once more trying to think up a quick strategy. 'Just... for healing. That's it. I can't kill her.' Chrono thought to himself then nodded silently. "If this is truly what you want, then fine." Chrono bent his knees a moment then launched forward at her trying to get behind her.

Expecting something like this, Renamon had leapt back and into the air away from him. By doing this, she hoped that her attack would not miss, and that he would definitely be hit. Stretching out her arms to her sides, thin, sharp shards of what seemed to be diamonds formed in the air around her body all pointed in the direction that she faced. One slight jerk of her arm and the shards flew at swift speeds away from her body, digging into anything in its path including the floors and some in the walls.

Landing easily enough after this first attack, the Digimon had settled on hand-to-hand combat, something that she excelled at. With long limbs, incredible agility for a rookie level digital monster and a fierce spirit, she was a dangerous one to fight one-on-one. Renamon did not waste time; instead following up on her first attack with one similar to the punch she had delivered to the wall earlier.

This time the attack was stronger, however, and the energy pulsing around her paw was much stronger than before. It was the same on the other three paws. In case she missed once, Renamon could attack a second, a third and a fourth time thanks to her acrobatic skills mirroring a ninja.

Chrono flew back as the needles like weapons struck the area. He managed to defend himself to the lowest extent keep the damage minimal and away from his chest and simply on his arms and legs. 'Not good.' He thought to himself as he winced in pain. He tried to stand up but it was too late. Another attack was already coming. How brutal! Chrono ducked and missed the first hit. He had to think and get this over with fast. He had to stop her somehow. Then again, there was always that option. The cost was great but there was no other way. He'd have to take a hit for it to work. He needed contact with her first. He braced himself for the hit and took it head on.

"I'm sorry, I have no choice..." Chrono whispered so only she could hear him and even then it was almost silence. He then focused any type of astral energy he could accumulate in the short time. It was risky but he lacked another option. He held tight onto her arm as a light piercing bright flashed around his hand. "There's no other way I-I'm sorry." He said as he began to freeze her in time. After the freezing began Chrono let go of her with one hand still on her arm. He held his chest as he began to cough up blood. "I told you, someone would get hurt." Chrono let out a smile and let her go entirely once he froze the majority of her body. He collapsed to the ground and weakly shuffled in his pocket for the journal. Coughing fiercely he called for help.

chrono, renamon

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