[THREAD] The Faithless and the Hated

May 29, 2007 21:53

Who: Ninth Doctor (fantasticninth), Tenth Doctor (not_from_mars), Rose Tyler (traveling_rose) and the Master (sinister_charm)
What: The Master has hypnotised Rose and given her one order: to kill the Doctors. The Doctors have come to try and save her.
When: May 29th, Night
Where: Rose's room
Rating: PG-13, violence, possible bloodshed

He hadn't intended things to turn out this way. He simply wanted to prove the people of the castle wrong. And yet, now, here he was, about to face death. He had found Rose, he bent her to his will... and now both Doctors were coming.

It frightened him. It frightened him beyond all else, and yet he stood, grinning so that all his teeth showed. He was armed. Would the Doctor be armed? Oh, he so hoped so. Otherwise, one quick slash of a sword and shot from his gun and he'd be rid of them, and what was the point in that?

He waited. He was afraid and he waited anyway.

ninth doctor, second master, tenth doctor, rose tyler

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