[Thread] Homemade Bunbun

May 02, 2007 20:12

Who: Honey (cakespice) and Soi Fong (fonshaolin)
What: Soi Fong offered to help Honey make a substitute Bunbun from pillows and things.
When: Now-ish
Where: Soi Fong's room
Rating: ...G?

After checking the journal one more time, Honey happily closed it and hopped up on his bed, where Lulu's Mog doll sat waiting for him. He stretched out a little hand for the enchanted stuffed doll and took its paw happily.

"Mog-chan! If Soi Fong and I can make a good Bunbun, then you can go see Lulu again, okay?" he told it, grinning widely. After all, he loved Mog a lot, but he belonged to Lulu above all! And he should be able to return to his home.

The two of them hopped down and, since he'd asked the castle for a little help, Honey grabbed the pillows and other supplies he thought might be involved with making stuffed rabbits. It was a lot for such a short boy to carry, but he was strong, so he didn't mind. The doll was walking slowly behind him. When he managed to climb up the six flights of stairs to Soi Fong's room, he plopped all the things down and raised his hand to knock, a sweet smile put up on his face, and of course, just the implied feeling that little pink flowers were bubbling up all over him.

haninozuka mitsukuni, soi fong

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