[Thread] Kaylee and Drizzt Have Lunch

May 02, 2007 20:30

Who: Kaylee (sunshinymech) and Drizzt (dawn_hunter)
What: Kaylee has invited Drizzt to her room for lunch. And cake.
When: Noonish
Where: Kaylee's room - 1811
Rating PG?

Since the day that he had forsaken the ways and land of his people, Drizzt had been conscious of his appearance. Not out of vanity, but because he knew that regardless of his intentions or principles, he would be judged first and foremost on what he was; who he was would matter very little to those that found themselves approached by a drow. It was a burden he bared willing, the only other choice was to embrace what his people were and that was something he could never do. Now, for the first time in his life, Drizzt found himself considering his appearance not out of a desire to avoid frightening others but in the hopes that he would be found pleasing.

It was an ironic twist of events that was not lost on the dark elf.

Nor was the fact that he had absolutely no idea what a human woman would find pleasing. He knew he was not unattractive to the women of his people; the appreciative glances of the priestesses he had been forced to endure during the six months he had spent in Arach-Tinilith, coupled with the unwanted advances of his sister Vierna, had shown him that. But the opinions of his people did not matter here.

Knowing that he was not properly equipped for this endeavor, Drizzt did the best he could with the limited supplies he had. He polished his boots, went over his leathers with a critical eye to ensure that they were not marred, shook the wrinkles out of his cloak, cleaned his swords, and brushed out his long white hair until he was certain that it was suitably tamed. When he was finished with his preparations, Drizzt slipped the onyx figurine into one of his pockets and removed the necklace that was clasped around his neck. For a long moment he studied the unicorn pendant, trying to unlock the mysteries that surrounded it. It had been given to him, that much he knew since he lacked the ability to carve knucklebone himself, but why and by whom he could not remember. The price of the castle, though the knowledge did not diminish the pendant’s importance.

Drizzt slipped the pendant into a small silk pouch, pulled the drawstring tightly shut, and placed it into the pocket that held Guenhwyvar’s statue. Deciding that he had done all he could to make himself presentable, the dark elf straightened his clothes and left his room and hastening downstairs. He allowed himself a moment to fidget nervously, and then knocked on the door.

drizzt do'urden, kaylee frye

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