[Thread] Kaylee and Drizzt Have Lunch

May 02, 2007 20:30

Who: Kaylee (sunshinymech) and Drizzt (dawn_hunter)
What: Kaylee has invited Drizzt to her room for lunch. And cake.
When: Noonish
Where: Kaylee's room - 1811
Rating PG?

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drizzt do'urden, kaylee frye

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sunshinymech May 7 2007, 19:47:26 UTC
It took a lot of Kaylee's willpower to not giggle at Drizzt. She knew she didn't have the strength to have started him walking toward the food, even if she kept her grip on his arm the whole time she walked. One quick glance down showed that Guen had nudged him to get him moving. How cute!

Once they got to the chairs, and she motioned over to the bowls for Guen to see where her food and water was, she took her seat and started to serve the food to Drizzt first. By her reckoning she was getting pretty good at this whole hostess thing. His plate done and in front of him, she started in on hers while explaining the food to him.

"So, that stuff there's vegetable stir fry. Them bundle lookin' things are bao. They're a kind of dumpling. 's got meat an' veggies in there, but there's sweet dumplings too. We can try those another time since we got cake here. The tea's a type called oolong. Goes real good with this kinda food. An' remember that lo mein ya had before? This stuff's all from the same food type."

She picked up her chopsticks and started in on her stir fry, totally content now. Her left hand came up and fidgeted with the pendant a little.

"Bel'la dos," she murmured. "Aiya, I need to learn more'n just that." 'Bel'la dos' brought her verbal drow count to a whopping two thing she could say. Thank you. As you wish. Not a bad start but she knew her verbal drow skills had a long way to go to catch up to her written ones, which were doing well enough thanks to that nifty book she had found, and worn in plenty.

"So that figurine ... I didn't hear no gears or anythin' turn on so ... how'd that end up workin'? An' why'd it work for me? I ... I ain't from ... well I ain't from your world none an' ... it worked."

A sip of tea brought a funny thought to her mind. "Oh that'd scare the Cap'n some if I went an' summoned Guennie in front of him!" She started giggling. It would be probably way too much fun to go around startling her friends with her new ability of sorts.

[[ooc: Well as long as she isn't the friend that goes "why the hell do you like her? Are you out of your mind?!" Only ... through glances and such XDD

And he could so totally show off more magic if he wanted LOL She'd be so impressed by any of it :3]]


dawn_hunter May 8 2007, 01:06:16 UTC
Now that he had had some practice using the utensils, Drizzt could wield the chopsticks with ease. He associated them with the meal that Kaylee had provided and, truly enjoying the food of her world, had wanted to make sure that he knew how to eat it properly. Already familiar with lo mein, Drizzt started with the bao, eager to try something new.

"I can teach you the pronounciation," Drizzt offered, pausing between bites. "It should not be too difficult for you to learn, you already have a remarkable grasp of the language."

He had still not gotten over Kaylee learning his native language. It was not an easy thing, learning the language of another. He had done it twice in his lifetime; learning the svirfneblin tongue of his deep gnome friend Belwar Dissengulp during the weeks he spent in the city of Blingdenstone, and later the common language of the surface dwellers from Montolio Debrouchee, the blind human who taught Drizzt the ways of the ranger. Yet it was one thing to learn a language when no other method of communication existed, quite another to study drow when there was not a need. Especially drow. Drizzt had been touched a time or two by the gestures of others, but never like he was the day he read the words of his forsaken people written by Kaylee's hand.

Kaylee's question about the onyx figurine brought him out of his reverie. He blinked, trying to sort out what she meant by gears before realizing that it must be more technology from her world. "Oh, no it is nothing like that. I am not a wizard, so I cannot tell you exactly how it works, but I can explain what it is I do know."

Drizzt took a sip of tea before continuing. "At some point long ago, a spell was cast on this carving to summon the entity of the panther from the Astral plane. The carving itself works as a doorway, with the spell providing a link from the material world to her world, a sort of tunnel through which she can pass. It is activated when one takes up the statute and calls her name."

Tilting his head to one side, Drizzt considered the possiblity of someone not of his world casting magical spells. His own people were innately adept at casting spells, though he knew that with study, even races without the ability could learn at least rudimentary magic.

"I have not yet fully explored the library here. Yet perhaps..." Drizzt looked questioningly at Kaylee. "If I could find an appropriate book, I might be able to teach you how to cast a true spell. Nothing dangerous, of course. Something easy and within my abilities, which admittedly are not very great."

Limning his hand in violet faerie fire, Drizzt held it out for Kaylee to see. "It does not burn and will fade at will. But it is useful for illuminating darkness and for outlining targets in the middle of battle. It can also be used to frighten opponents and thus escape a fight."


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