[Thread] Kaylee and Drizzt Have Lunch

May 02, 2007 20:30

Who: Kaylee (sunshinymech) and Drizzt (dawn_hunter)
What: Kaylee has invited Drizzt to her room for lunch. And cake.
When: Noonish
Where: Kaylee's room - 1811
Rating PG?

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drizzt do'urden, kaylee frye

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dawn_hunter May 4 2007, 23:37:25 UTC
Drizzt smiled as he watched the reunion between Kaylee and Guenhwyvar. The smile smoothed out in concern as he heard what Kaylee said to the panther about sleeping alone. Was she lonely? And why had he not thought of such a possibility before? There was little he could do to make up for the days that had passed, but perhaps he could alleviate future distress.

Kaylee's surprise at her success in summoning the cat brought another consideration to the dark elf's mind. Her world was filled with marvels unlike anything he had ever seen, but was it possible that there was no magic in her world? For one of the few times in his life, Drizzt found himself wishing that he had spent more time studying the art of spell casting. He had been good at it, in the six months that he had spent learning it at the Academy, but he had always preferred to put his trust in his strength and agility to see him out of trouble. But now, if only he remembered more of the spells he had learned, if only he possessed the components necessary to cast those spells, then he could show Kaylee far more wondrous sights. As it was, he doubted that casting a globe of impenetrable darkness or limning an object in faerie fire would prove impressive. Maybe if he could still levitate, but that ability had been lost to him shortly after leaving the Underdark.

Abandoning his musings as Kaylee stood up, Drizzt offered her a heartfelt smile. “I have no doubt that I will enjoy the meal that you have provided. I heard what you said to Guenhwyvar. Know that if you ever feel lonely again and wish for her presence, I will send her to you without fail,” he paused, inexplicably finding it necessary to draw upon a reserve of courage to continue. It was an opening though, and Drizzt, who had very little experience giving gifts, felt it best to take the opportunity lest another one not present itself.

Taking the pouch from his pocket, Drizzt gave it to Kaylee with a slightly nervous grin. “It is not much, but it is one of the few pieces of my world that is left. I wish you to have it and through it, know that you need never be alone. For no matter how much distance may separate us, we are never too far away.”


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