[thread] Checkin' up on ol Superman

Apr 22, 2007 22:30

Who: Clark (morethansteel) and Bart (impulsities)
What: Slow!Bart is checking up on sad!Clark
When: Sometime.
Where: Clark's room?
Rating: ... PG?

Being slow really sucked. Bart wasn't sure how he'd deal if he had to be this way constantly. How did anyone else handle it? Not only was he at their speed, but he was also tired. Stupid castle, taking away his control like that. At least someone was nice enough to put his knee back together. It made it convenient to decide and pay Clark a visit!

It was too bad that Lois disappeared. Well, not so bad, since she got to be home, they hoped. Yet he hated to see anyone he cared about so down. He smiled a little to himself. If only Conner could hear about this.

When he reached the proper door, he stopped, raising a hand for a weak knock. "Hey Clark? It's Bart?" he sounded tired, but tried not to sound too gloomy for the guy.

clark kent (superman), bart allen

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