(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 17:59

Who: Lelouch Lamperouge (zero-lelu) and Suzaku Kururugi white-knight11)
What: DDR-ing, yo! Plus, they need to talk.
When: Today :D
Where: Games Room
Rating: PG~

Lelouch walked, albeit somewhat slowly, in the general direction of the games room. For the past few days he had heard much talk of this 'D-D-R' thing that had so many residents of the castle excited. Not only that, Suzaku seemed to be one of the people who had set it up. He sighed softly, a thoughtful look appearing on his face. He wanted to be able to say that he hadn't been avoiding Suzaku, but after the week of where he seemed to be able to do nothing except tell the truth, and the inevitable disclosure of him being Zero, he wasn't sure that he wanted to see his friends reaction face-to-face. However, he knew that he had to see Suzaku eventually, and besides - they were friends. Staying in this godforsaken place was going to be a lot worse than it was already if he didn't have his friends.

Entering the games room, Lelouch glanced around, the loud music from the DDR machine assaulting his ears whilst he attempted to find Suzaku; Calling for him was clearly out of the question. Pausing for a moment, he watched those currrently occupying the pads before continuing his search.

kururugi suzaku, lelouch lamperouge

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