[Log: Gatts & Ino]

Apr 02, 2007 00:18

Who Gatts (e-c-l-i-p-s-e-d) and Ino (ireadurmind).
What Ino has a surprise for Gatts =)
Where Ino's room.
When Right after Ino's hooker ad entry.
Rating Uh. PG-15? Maybe R to be safe? (sexual intentions, foul language)

Ino was lying on her bed, swinging her legs back and forth. She was waiting impatiently for Gatts to arrive, and occasionally checking the journal for new victims ... er, people. So many people had already told her their room number, she wasn't sure she'd be able to visit them all! But she needed to ... something inside of her felt she she was going to explode if she didn't touch someone, hug someone ... something. The other people were right, it was unusual of her to be this way, but there was nothing she could do at this point, as far as she was concerned.

Opening the door in a forceful push, Gatts entered Ino's chambers (;D) with the intent of finding out just what in the hell was going on with the girl. It was one thing for her to just be kidding around with him, but with the entire damn castle!? She was acting like...well, like a prostitute in a way. "So do you want to tell me what the hell is goin' on?" he frowned, wearing nothing but the hat and a pair of black pants. I kid, I kid, he was also wearing a blouse. "You're gonna have a bunch of perverts after you if you keep joking like this."

Ino turned to look at who had come through the door. "Gatts!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up. She jumped off the bed and landed right in front of him. "Joking? I'm not joking, silly! Besides, you don't think I can defend myself if anyone weird comes after me~?" she batted her eyelashes at him and tried her best to look hot. Ino stretched her arm up and pulled the hat off. She then pointed to her bed. "Anyways, can you sit down over there and close your eyes? I have ... a surprise for you."

He stared down at the much shorter girl, mouth twisting into a confused half-frown, eyebrow raised. Was she drunk or something? He'd never seen her act this way. Hell, he'd never seen any girl act this way. "Surprise? If you're gonna splash me with water again or something," He sat on the bed, glad he didn't have his sword with him, as it tended to get in the way of sitting down easily. "And I only have one eye." He said playfully.

"Okay, okay, then shut your eye," she replied, giggling. She set the hat down next to him. "And I'm not gonna splash you with anything. No cups of water here, see~?" She held out her hands and spun around to prove she wasn't hiding it in her kunai pouches or anywhere else. "Now hurry up~ I'm sure you'll really like the surprise, so don't make me wait!" She put her hands behind her back and stood there, waiting for Gatts to close his eyes. Er, eye.

He gave her an annoyed pout, not really feeling that annoyed, and closed his eye, relaxing a bit. Palms planting in the soft fabric of the sheets, he scooted back just a bit, legs widening to get in a more comfortable position (not for slutty reasons :<). Ino sounded way too fake. In fact, she sounded downright seductive and flirty, not that he was used to that stuff, but he could recognize it when he saw it. This made him suspicious, because it's not like she'd actually be..wanting to flirt with him, right? He braced himself, ready to dodge any bucket of fish heads or water she would without a doubt pour on his head. "I'm not responsible for any of my actions in this room with you, I hope you know."

"I know~" Ino said, before slowly making her way over there. She didn't want Gatts to expect her coming, because she knew if she was loud enough in walking he might hear her or ... feel the vibrations from the floor or something. When she finally got close enough, she leaned over and ... yes. Gave him a rather passionate kiss on the lips. Half of her ... okay, more than half of her was applauding this action greatly - especially the part where the castle had removed whatever inhibition she might have had before - and was drowning out the other part that was wondering what the hell he was going to do one he realized what was going on.

Feeling his body tense up just a bit, he could barely register the soft breathing not but a few inches away from him before he suddenly had a pair of soft lips pressed in a rather tight and sensual lock with his own. Eye shooting open, he clutched the bedsheets, staring...what the hell was this? Okay okay okay think think, is she drunk? He couldn't taste anything on her, aside from some weird strawberry flavour (which was probably lip gloss lol :<). So then what was...going on with her? And what the hell? Why was he taking the time to ponder and contemplate the meaning behind this action all the while returning it? That couldn't lead to good stuff. Okay, well, good stuff it could lead to, but the kind that both would probably regret and be embarrassed about. He broke the kiss and pushed himself back a bit further on the bed, flushed and confused. "WHAT. THE HELL?" He yelled, but ...really wasn't angry at all. "Y-you just...what's the matter with you?!"

She blinked and tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean what's wrong with me? I told you you were getting a surprise~" She grinned, although her cheeks were a little flushed. "What, you didn't like it?" The tiny, currently repressed side of her was chanting ItoldyousoItoldyousoItoldyouso, but Ino pulled out her hair tie and slipped it into her wrist before moving closer and putting her hands on Gatts shoulders. "Am I ... making you uncomfortable~?"

Gatts shook his head, then nodded, then opened his mouth to say something, confused. "I...well, no, I mean." He tried to regain composure, saving face in front of Ino. What the hell, she was only what? Sixteen? He shouldn't be acting like HE was sixteen, himself! He placed his hand on Ino's shoulders in return, not pushing her away, but not pulling her in, either. He wanted control of this situation. Was there something he'd been missing? Everyone was acting weird lately, and this still could just be a part of that prank!! "No, you're not. I just...wasn't expecting it." Oh shit, rejecting her could ruin the friend..er, whatevership they had. But taking it further could either make her hate him or make her laugh in his face. Why was he even CONSIDERING this!? He wouldn't at all, normally. Was something wrong with hiiiiiokay. He was not allowed to get a boner this early on. Scooting back a bit more, he stared her in the eyes. "Did you have something funny to eat?"

Why did he keep backing up? It was kind of depressing. Maybe he was just being shy? Or maybe he was rejecting her, after all ... ? The one thing Ino absolutely hated when it came to 'liking so-and-so' was how complicated it could get ... and this was pretty damn complicated from what she knew. She scooted closer in return, placing her knees in the space between his legs on the bed. "No, why?" She placed her forehead against his, looking directly into his eye. She didn't even remember putting lip gloss on the morning - it was routine for her and she was very, very, very distracted right now. "What's wrong?"

"I should be asking you that," He stammered just slightly, staring. If this was what she really wanted, then so be it. And if she was just kidding around, he'd show her not to kid around with him. This was a good way to take his mind off of things, right? He had been feeling frustrated, and it wasn't like he'd let it get far...

Tightening the grip he had on Ino's shoulders, he quickly flipped them over with a roll to the side, smirking and leaning in to press his lips back against hers, slightly parted. It's too bad that they were at the edge of the bed, and him shifting his weight made him fall.

Ino let out a small sound of surprise and grabbed the fabric of Gatts' shirt, shutting her eyes for the impact of hitting the floor. She quickly re-opened them, realizing that Gatts had landed before her and that she was fine - and also that he had kissed her back. Did that mean that this was all fair game now? And that he hadn't said no? Or ... was he just being male? Ino cursed the fact that she couldn't tell what he was thinking without sending herself inside of him. She pulled herself up and glanced at Gatts, noticing the hat on his face. She giggled a little at that before lifting up the brim of the hat and going back to what she had started before they fell.

He wondered just when he became so freakin' clumsy, really, but was once again distracted by any rational thought at the sound of Ino's giggle. He peered at her as she lifted his hat, smirking playfully and generally feeling a lot more light-hearted than he had...in a long while. Grabbing a piece of her hair hanging from over her shoulders, he pulled her face close toward his, tilting his head at an angle just lightly to place a few soft kisses at the corner of her mouth. All of the confusion and frustration he had felt from earlier encounters that day seemed to be melting away, and though he hardly had his sense of smell any longer, she was close enough that he could appreciate it. And---justhjawehjwe wait what was he doing?? Stupidass, it doesn't matter if you have a little attraction. Think of your unresolved relationship with Caska. Think of Griffith. a feeble voice reminded him in the back of his mind. ...And get your hand off her boob, stupid.

She laughed into his mouth before pulling away ever-so-slightly. She wanted to say something - maybe she could get some kind of affirmation that he was doing this because he wanted to - but before she could stop herself, the words slipped out - "You've done this before, then?" Dammit, of course he has, wasn't Caska his girlfriend? ... Is she still? Ino hadn't even taken a moment of her time to consider that, except for this morning when she saw him talking to her about the pink hair, but then she had gotten distracted by ... whatever it was that was making her do this. She braced herself for whatever answer that question was going to get her ... and possibly the sheer disappointment of him just getting up and leaving. Maybe she could pin him down ... there was no way he was leaving. Not when she was like this.

"Yeah," he said, still a bit dazed. Usually, he was pretty weird about..sexual things, in general. It was hard enough for him to get intimate with Caska, but why...did he feel no fear? "But just once." He stated calmly, not..wanting to count the time he had to have sex with a demon in order to kill her. Yes, that beautiful opening panel of Berserk where we see Gatts' ass, rofl. "It also depends on what 'this' is to you." He gave her a sly grin, one hand resting on the small of her back and caressing downward, stopping to grope her ninja ass :<

Ino mentally sighed a HUGE sigh of relief - although the issue was now there to stay way back there for when she was bored and started thinking about stuff too much - before grinning in return, perfectly content with where Gatts' hand was at the moment. "Cute," she replied, half serious but half teasing. She was expecting more, actually, but that was alright. "It's whatever you want it to be," she added, before leaning back in to kiss him more. She had been hoping that this would be satisfying her ... whatever side that the castle had brought out of her, but instead it was kind of firing her up more.

He made a note that he should be gentle with her, but it wasn't really his style. Clamping her bottom lip between his teeth, he bit down on it and nibbled in a harsh but restrained manner, moaning just lightly into the kiss and bringing his hips up to meet hers. This felt good, he wasn't going to lie to himself. So why couldn't he get his earlier encounters of the day out of his head? There were a million nagging voices, telling him that something was up with her, that he'd regret it and they both would, that he was an adult and he was past these senseless things. But she had done so much for him, and he wouldn't deny that he felt strongly for the girl in a sense. He was sure that while it felt good to be with her like this, it's something they could both really regret. He was definitely too messed up for her, anyway. Both hands sliding to hold her hips in place, now, he began to lift them a bit more off of him, his own, erm, special area a bit protesting to that but whatever. Turning his head slightly into the kiss, he ceased the lip biting. "We shouldn't." DRAMATIC~

Ino added a soft sound of pleasure in return before opening her eyes, staring at Gatts, very confused. "... What?" was all she managed to get out, unsure of what else to say. Maybe why would have been the better thing to say ... He hadn't found out about Kaiba, had he? She was sure that anytime she had talked about that to someone it had been a private conversation ... but maybe someone else had told him? Or maybe it was the difference in age ... Whatever it was, it was pissing her off. She stared at him, her face somewhat red and her eyes searching his for some kind of answer. I mean, there had to be a reason, didn't there? It couldn't just be that he didn't like her ... after all, they had been spending a lot of time together recently and it was obvious that they both enjoyed it. "... Why?" she finally managed, trying to shut off the argument she was having with herself about what was going on right now.

He brought himself to sit up, slowly pushing Ino out of his lap, but not in a forceful manner. Why, she was asking? Well, there were a million reasons not to. Now, the reasons to do it were loud and clear, obvious and simple. If two people had chemistry, got along (for the most part), and cared about each other, then they usually would gradually elevate to showing that in intimate manner. However, this was someone he really couldn't take risks with. She was one of the only stable friendships he had, here, and one of the only people keeping him sane. What...did she see in him, anyways? He saw how she had been acting with everyone else. So something must have been up, since this wasn't exclusive. She took care of you and saw you dirty and unbathed for almost a week. I doubt that turned her on. He thought to himself, looking at Ino, mouth hanging open just a bit and searching for an answer to her question that wasn't complete bullshit. "We're just from different places. And I ...wouldn't want to drag you into my business, especially...when I haven't figured things out about how I feel for someone else." He said regrettably. It was better than giving her an entire list of reasons why they were *~starcrossed~*. "Plus, there's gotta be something up with you. You wouldn't just..." He averted his gaze, embarrassed. She...was going to kill him, if this was some type of temporary price the castle had taken from her in some way. He must have looked like such a pervert. Maybe he could lie and say the castle took away his self-control?

Ino opened her mouth in protest, before closing it again and looking away. She felt very fidgety, that part of her pretty much telling her FUCK HIM ALREADY getting pissed off at her. She was getting pissed off, too. Yup, she could feel it ... Gatts was about to get yelled at. "That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard," she said, giving him an even stare. "I can understand the ... figuring things out ... thing ..." she paused. She was too distracted to make herself sound intelligent ... the point was to get the point across. "Who cares if we're from different places? We're stuck here now, and ... there's nothing wrong with me, I really do like you ..." she trailed off, looking away. She could feel herself getting more and more upset by the second. Calm down, Ino, it's going to be okay, she reminded herself. She kept her gaze on the floor, though, waiting for something to be said and trying to calm herself down. She really just wanted to jump on him right now ... no, no, she couldn't do that, not after he pushed her away like that ... but really, she might go crazy or something if she didn't ...SHUT UP!!

His eye widened at her remark, face reddening a bit. He almost wished this thing called electricity didn't exist, so she couldn't see any of the blood rushing to his face. Why did he always run into the most dominant women!? "It's not that I'm not attracted to you," he frowned, hands stiff at his side. He had even had a dream or two about her. Of course, they were wildly uncharacteristic of both and ridiculous, but it had been on his mind a few times. He was VERY glad he wasn't a few years younger, because he doubted his teenage self would be able to have this type of control. Well, what little control he had. His body felt heated from the brief encounter. She really liked him? This had a lot more to do with attraction. He doubted a teenage girl would go wild over a guy with one eye, half an arm, and a completely scarred body. He had a lot of fun with her, and she was probably the only person he could really tolerate. She also sacrificed more for him than he was used to people doing. At all. But he still wouldn't allow himself to not take into consideration the fact that she was acting strange to everyone in that entry of hers. "You're ...very beautiful, and..." he trailed off, moving back a bit more, trying to bring himself to his feet and straighten his hat out. "We have a great time together, for the most part, and spending time with you has been something I keep..wanting to do, regardless of what I tell myself, but," he stopped, wondering when the hell did he become so...open? About his feelings? And whatever happened to his focus? His anger and his guard? Just because he liked a girl it didn't mean he had to go pick out curtains with her. Something was weird. "I just can't take advantage of this. And I have things I need to sort out." And I'm a pansy, he forgot to add.

She frowned for a moment trying to decide what to say. So the news wasn't all bad - unless he was lying to get her to leave him alone ... but why would he want her to leave him alone if he had been going along with it before? She jumped up on her feet and looked him right in the eye. "Don't try to flatter me," she said, her tone still angry. "And why not?! I'm letting you do what you want and you're not even ... " she shook her head and put her hand on her forehead, sitting down on the bed. The other side of her was telling her to burst into tears and try to guilt-trip him into going back to before, but she knew that would seem fake. And stupid. She shook her head, unsure of what else to say. She knew she should be letting him ... go wherever he was supposed to be going, but ... this just wasn't fair!

He felt more emotional than he had in a long time. Everything started flooding in at him at once, though the emotions he expected such as guilt and self-loathing were not there. But he was frustrated. Unbelievably so. He thought of what he had just done moments before, what thoughts had just gone through his mind. He thought of his talk with Caska earlier, the way he and Caska went out to feed ducks at the pond and he felt...nothing. He thought of Griffith, whom he missed and yearned for his friendship more than anything again, rather than hating him for doing the unforgivable. How would he face Ino once whatever was effecting her was----alright, what really bothered him is that he still wanted it in some ways. It was enticing to him. It would make her feel better, make him feel better, and help him express some feelings. But he wouldn't let this get any further, no matter how many good feelings flooded his body. "I'm sorry, I just--" He took a few steps back again, noticing her getting emotional. "I want to, I really do! Trust me, you'll thank me tomorrow!" He almost tripped over himself reaching the door, opening it, cursing his body. It didn't help that he had already felt sexually frustrated earlier, but now that he had this "Ino Gone Wild" experience...

He gave her one last regretful look, before practically darting out the door, not wanting to see any results. He couldn't stand seeing women cry. Or getting beaten up by women. Either was a likely thing to happen. And running while aroused was really uncomfortable :(

guts, yamanaka ino

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