[Thread] Soi Fong & Yoruichi - The Long Anticipated Meeting

Apr 02, 2007 00:19

Who: Soi Fong and Shihouin Yoruichi
What: Their long awaited first meeting/reunion
When: Saturday; April 7, 2007
Where: Behind the Castle
Rating: PG 13?  (subject to change)

The long awaited reunion day with her ex-captain was finally here. Although their meeting time was 2 o’clock as stated by Yoruichi, Soi Fong has been up since the crack of dawn. She couldn’t sleep from the night before, or any of the previous nights of this week. She has long awaited for this day to come, too long.  She was well aware with Yoruichi’s antics and excuses for not speeding up their meeting. As annoyed as she was, it was in Yoruichi’s nature to pull such an act; and since she has agreed to meet her at a reasonable amount of time and date from her original one, she figured she’ll drop it.

Throughout the entire week, Soi Fong has experienced a mixture of emotions. As much as she hated to admit it, she was had slowly came to accept the fact that this foul woman has forgotten her as she stated. It was hard not to, considering the many occurrences that has already happened here in Paradisa. Ukitake-taichou had forgotten about his fukutaichou.  Abarai has no memories of Hinamori or Kira.  So she too, has to learn to accept this along with her "forgotten memories" she has been told by others.  If that’s the case, has all these years of immense training gone to waste? Soi Fong shook her head at the thought of it. No, regardless of what happened, she’ll show that woman of her foolish actions for stripping her rank; and more importantly, she wanted some answers from her.

“Where’s that Yoruichi?” she stated outloud, as she latched her annoyance to the nearby tree; freshly imprinting her fist onto the bark. Taking a deep breath, Soi Fong glared over at the castle as she came to a decision. She placed her hand over at her zanpakutou as she turned her head away. If Yoruichi doesn’t show up soon, someone or something will pay. “Figures, she’ll be late,” she muttered with a much deeper scowl than before.

soi fong, shihouin yoruichi

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