[Thread] Flowers, for everyone!

Mar 26, 2007 18:47

Who: Hidan and Selphie
What: Selphie has the bad luck to run into... Wait, Hidan's being affectionate?
When: Monday.
Where: The castle in general.
Rating: PG-SH for Sickeningly Happy.

Hidan was whistling, one leg crossed under his body and the other swinging against the stone wall in one of the castle gardens. He was weaving a flower necklace, or perhaps a lei. No one was around to ask yet and possibly no one ever would be. Amazingly, most residents avoided the gardens. Hidan was sad; they were splendid gardens, and he would love the company.

The necklace of flowers finished, Hidan was now checking for thorns. Wouldn't due to harm folks, now, would it? His humming continued, and he examined his handiwork with a smile. He did remember how to do this!

selphie tilmitt, hidan

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