[talking quietly to Dro, the Arcanine that he found outside of Smellerbee's room, who is whimpering/growling sadly :<]
There there, old boy. I know you miss your mistress, but she would want you to eat, wouldn't she?
[he ruffles and strokes his mane, and after a few more minutes in this vein, Dro finally begins to eat a little fromt he bowl that's in front of him. Albus sits next to him and pets him. feeling sorry for him, and for Smellerbee]
I hope you'll be okay. And that he'll be alright... whoever he was.
[Ms. Sage]
[a little while later, dictated brightly]
I'm all yours. We might, though, have some company. [whiny growl get]
And... I have something for you.