Bruce Wayne Hosted Event
Ballroom "A"
Sunday June 21st ~ 5PM until 11PM
[As you enter the ballroom today, you'll notice the ballroom has a different look to it. There are two winding staircases that divide the room up, and lead to two completely different ballrooms. The staircase on the right leads to Tony Stark's Event, but this evening you'll be going up the staircase on the left to attend Bruce Wayne's Party. Take the stairs up and enter through the double doors. Once you enter those doors, there are two staircases that lead down into the ballroom. Fit for a grand entrance, as well as spotting where your friends are seated.]
[The tables are seated throughout the room, with an open area in the center for the dancefloor. You can see the live band seated in the far corner of the room, playing a light medley at the moment, but once dinner is over they will be playing something more upbeat for dancing.]
[Should you need some air while you are at the event, there is a patio off of the room. Large glass doors reveal it's location, and the patio itself is nicely lit and small speakers allow the sounds of the live band to drift into the air there as well. Feel free to enjoy the crisp night, though the current temperature outside is a bit warmer than one might expect for a day toward the end of the month in June. There are cooling fans that have been placed outside so that they might bring some relief to those standing outside. We would hate for the high fashion you are wearing to be ruined by some horrible heat. You'll also notice the small open area, for those wishing to head to Tony's party via the patios.]
[Local Vendors are here, showing their support. Miss Anya from the Magick Box II has arranged for a gift bag of sorts for all attendees. Within it the bag that has her stores address and soon to be launched website address plastered all over it, are some small scented candles. Designer Sunglasses in a classy carrying case, one pair for a each a man and woman. There is a small Russian Stacking Doll from the shop that she says creeps her out as well. A small bottle of completely organic lotion, that has a light apple scent to it from a local store. You'll also find in the bag, a bookmark and pen set with the event name pressed into the leather holder. It was a bit long, so the font is smaller and difficult to make out, so it looks like a decorative line of gold instead. The bags are all lined up along tables near the front wall, between where the two staircases meet up. You can take one when you arrive or when you leave. Anya will ensure that you all only get one though.]
[Lorne's bar is an open bar, Bruce has assured Lorne that Caritas will be compensated for all drinks served, but doesn't want his guests to be fumbling for Caisos in their pockets. He's thankful to all of the residents that have donated their time and services. The Pie Hole, run by Claire will also have a large part in the dessert buffet that will be set up later.
[Bruce Wayne has already planned the events for the evening. He is certain that while most should attend his, that the draw of Tony's robots and laser themed event will no doubt push some of them to his side. To make things easier for them, he's put together a light schedule that will be followed. This way anyone wanting to depart his event, knows what time they should try to make it back to his event by. He hopes it helps.]
5 ~ 6pm Guest Arrival 5:30 ~ 7pm Dinner Served 6:30 ~ 10pm Dessert Buffet Open 9:30 ~ 11pm Dance Floor Opens to Reveal a Pool! 10 ~ 10:30pm Fireworks Display11pm ~ Event Over]
[ooc: All are welcome. All I ask is that you
COMMENT that you're attending since hopefully this post will be so busy I won't be able to track who all is here. Add your tags to the post too! Also I'll be staggering the comments for each "event" this way it's not a huge rush to tag into everything. I'll put up an event, and allow people to comment to it, as well as make their own comment threads in case they are doing something else, and then give it a few hours before I post up the next comment. All of the comments will go up today, but I want to make sure no one feels too rushed, or confused with having their character in five different places, in two different parties. This is supposed to take place Sunday at 5PM in game, so we'll have plenty of time between now and then to get everything done. I hope I didn't forget anything, but I can edit in stuff! Take your time, backtagging is welcome and hopefully you'll enjoy!!]