blog twenty-two: OMG, WTF? .... BBQ!!

Jun 06, 2009 17:34

... Are there even still enough people here to make an Awesomeness Committee? Holy crap. [has been hearing a lot of sad voices and seeing a lot of 'they're gone' posts, again. this demands Committee work, if anything ever did]

It's getting pretty hot out. Tell you what. I ... am going to have a cookout. Yes. A cookout. If anyone wants a burger or a hot dog or some chicken, I will be OUTSIDE.

In the sun.

Making AWESOME happen.

[yep, sure enough, one timeskip later, he's standing out in the yard by the duck pond with a very large, very sophisticated-looking grill, and plates of burgers and dogs and a big dish full of chicken soaking in barbecue sauce, all ready to get thrown on. has on a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt, for once ... but the t-shirt is one of those Fake Suit ones. hey. the image remains. there is also, of course, the most humongous cooler EVER full of various beers and Mike's Hard Lemonade and some wine coolers for Da Ladeez. and soda for his Little Bros and any of the other younger residents]

(( If your character has decided that they want a BURGER ... caveat emptor. As payback for the beetle-legged-Bentley stunt that Barney & Del pulled while he was away, Crowley has drugged the burger patties with laxatives. You can opt out of this if you want, since it wasn't mod-approved, but if you feel like being cruel to your kiddos, go for it. The hot dogs, chicken, and steak - for there is steak now, too - are safe. ... Carry on with your awesome selves.))

barney stinson

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