
Jun 01, 2009 23:01




The Doctor.

[he rests the pen in one spot here, trying to write more, but his hand fails him. a dark spot spreads until the nib breaks. he gives a ragged sigh before switching to dictation.]

I say that I am used to it, but it gets no easier with the time that passes. One that I was opening up to, and hoping to get to know better. One that I grew to love possibly more than any human being I have ever encountered, in one short week. One who will always stand out to me as a friend, a counsellor, one of the cleverest people I've ever met, and who I--

[he stops to clear his throat. and then he laughs softly, bitterly]

Foolish notions, Albus.

I miss them.


I miss them, but the thinking of it will drive me mad. And I'm supposed to be made of far stronger stuff than this. Get a hold of yourself, Albus. This is the reality you are part of, for the time being.

[another pause to collect himself]

Alright. I'm never without things to do. Ah... let me see. The wandless charms are coming along well enough. Accio, Locomotor, Diffindo, Reparo, Augamenti, Inflamora, Incendio, Scourgify... all perfected. I'm sure I can manage a few others. I'd like to finish that book on healing spells first, though. One of many arenas I need to become more proficient in.

For now... those fennelworth plants should be ready. [glances towards the couple of bubbling cauldrons in the corner of the room] Not too long, now.

...I still can't believe that Merlin is here. Gracious.


[aaaaand a little while later, Albus is down in the gardens, picking some of the plants and herbs that he planted a while back. he looks a bit preoccupied, but feel free to bother him]

albus dumbledore

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