one bat

Jan 23, 2009 21:42

[There is a sound of wind and tiny chittering sound recorded over the journal and then, in a loud voice, someone begins to speak.]

How did I get back to my castle? I have no time to waste with this! We must return to the human world immediately so I can continue--

[And silence as he cuts his speech short.]

This is not my castle! My castle wouldn't have a bed, it would have--

[There is a distinct "pop" followed by more silence, and then, doubtfully]

And thicker curtains on the windows!

[A softer "pop" is heard. With each further declaration, the confidence in his voice grows.]

A better desk to sit at! A larger mirror! The walls should be black, not grey! And the door should be red!

[Another pause.]

Show me the location and identity of the Eighth Child!


So, I am only allowed to have certain things I wish for, eh? But you can't hide from me for long. The Crest is glowing, so you must be near.


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