Dec 29, 2011 00:20
[ It's been about five minutes since the castle residents got back from Paris. Time for a new pony person to make an appearance!
The journal is, naturally, open as the castle's newest resident comes to. There's the typical gasp of shock, the sound of clamoring, and... hooves on tile?
These sounds are shortly followed by an almost hysterical girl's voice. ]
This isn't the library! What's going on?
It almost looks like Canterlot, but that can't be possible. We're not supposed to go there until tomorrow, and I would certainly remember if we set out early...
Is this a prank? [ She actually begins to sound relieved there. ] It must be. Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie? This is all your doing, right?
[ And, after a moment, she begins to sound panicky again. ]
No, this is way too much for a prank.
[ And then... a smack. She just smacked herself. With a hoof, yes. ] No, pull yourself together, Twilight! You have to figure this out! There's obviously magic at work here, and magic is your special talent! You can do this!
[ Somepony please interrupt her. She's going to go crazy. ]
twilight sparkle