forty-eight cities

Dec 23, 2011 23:06

[where can mass murderers troubled playwrights often be found? Museums, of course. And today, Legato has ventured into the Musée de l'Homme. He is spending hours of his temporary freedom among works of beauty, surrounded by articles of the past.

Eventually, he takes a break and settles down in the cafe, flipping open the journal after ordering ( Read more... )

legato bluesummers

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inafadingcrown December 24 2011, 06:05:32 UTC
[It really shouldn't be any surprise to find Galadriel in a museum. She has a certain fondness for ancient things, being one herself.

Even ignoring the modern clothes (and rounded ears), it's obvious that she's not exactly herself. Primarily because she almost walks right by Legato without noticing him.

Almost. But he's not that lucky; she just happened to be passing by as he mused into the journal. She approaches, placing her hands on the empty chair at Legato's table.]

I would think to find you more grateful for even the illusion of freedom.


endthem December 24 2011, 09:57:17 UTC
[oh... he considers himself very lucky that she notices him and stops by for a chat, and his smile says as much]

Oh, I do hope that I don't seem ungrateful. I am very much enjoying myself here, after all.


inafadingcrown December 24 2011, 10:36:46 UTC
Are you?

[She can't help it. Her curiosity gets the better of her. She pulls the chair out and seats herself. If he's observant, he might notice that she's just the slightest bit less graceful than usual.]

And how are you adjusting to your newfound limitations? [Does it bother you as much as it bothers her?


endthem December 24 2011, 10:48:29 UTC
[he might not be quite as acutely aware of every motion as he once was, but he still tries to be as observant as he can be, in his current state. And if she is observant, then she just might notice that he is just a little more unfocused than usual. Not quite as mentally put together as he was before]

Mm. I wish that I could consider the limitations to be 'newfound' at all.


inafadingcrown December 24 2011, 11:37:24 UTC
Yes, you have placed yourself in a curious position as of late.


endthem December 24 2011, 11:43:24 UTC
It was not my goal, I admit... but, I find myself there nonetheless.


inafadingcrown December 24 2011, 11:54:46 UTC
[An amused little hum] We rarely intend to bring harm to ourselves, yet we do so all the same.

You have been here longer than I. Tell me, when the castle resumes its customary form, where shall you be? How great is this gift you have received?


endthem December 27 2011, 20:43:07 UTC
It is an exciting mystery, isn't it? I really do wish I knew the answer.

I suppose I will have to enjoy my days of freedom as if they are my last.


inafadingcrown December 28 2011, 00:57:38 UTC
I would think it wise of you. In truth, I am surprised more have not sought to cage you during your time here.


endthem December 30 2011, 04:40:52 UTC
I am too, to be honest.

Though, I don't think it was caging that I was really expecting.


inafadingcrown December 30 2011, 11:19:54 UTC
There have been ample opportunities to kill you during your imprisonment and yet none have done so. Indeed, to dispatch you would take far less continued effort than has been expended on your containment. Were your death the desired outcome, it would have already occurred.

[All said in a perfectly neutral voice, as if she were discussing the pros and cons of carpooling.]


endthem January 4 2012, 06:59:07 UTC
[and, if there is any surprise at this turn of conversation, it is only of the pleasant variety. She never fails to keep things interesting]

Oh, I agree. Though, there are some out there--I'm sure--who would like to cause me more distress than has already been done, and leaving the 'protective' walls of a cell would give them the perfect opportunity.


inafadingcrown January 8 2012, 16:05:07 UTC
I hardly blame them. [But, of course, she doesn't approve of the sentiment.]


endthem January 12 2012, 21:38:39 UTC
Of course not. It's human nature.


inafadingcrown January 13 2012, 06:31:32 UTC
[This seems to amuse her greatly for some reason.]

Not only human, I assure you.


endthem January 13 2012, 20:51:39 UTC
[mm, he can't help it, even something little like that makes him curious]

Is that so?


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