forty-eight cities

Dec 23, 2011 23:06

[where can mass murderers troubled playwrights often be found? Museums, of course. And today, Legato has ventured into the Musée de l'Homme. He is spending hours of his temporary freedom among works of beauty, surrounded by articles of the past.

Eventually, he takes a break and settles down in the cafe, flipping open the journal after ordering himself a drink.

...Mmm. Musing into the journal on a whim. It's almost as if things are anything like normal, again.]

I find it a little ridiculous that there is a museum here, in this false world.

Monuments to things that have never happened.

Though, I suppose it is a very clever ploy. What better prop is there to convince captives that they are free, and not just in a repainted cage?

[a musing pause... then, sounding maybe just a little bit mocking--] The Museum of Man. ...It's almost comical.

((ooc: open over the journal or in person, for anything!))

legato bluesummers

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