[ Arthur Pendragon ]
You've a job, my liege.
[ Friends ]
Made the trip safely?
[Setting the journal down, Gwaine resumes trying to figure out his work. Apparently, it consists of taking pictures. The same kind of things he nearly stabbed Tamaki for a few weeks ago. If he knew about irony, he might appreciate it here. As it is, all he's learned is modern technology is incredibly confusing, the flash can leave you blind and, if the portfolio containing an assortment of photographs, among them some of Arthur wearing only undergarments is to be believed, the future king has been putting on pounds. Why he has these pictures is a question that is not yet answered.
A few hours later once he finally gives up, he heads for a nearby bar. The streets that had not been transited that morning when he went to work were now populated with incredibly strange carriages. He's going to need a drink after this walk.]
((ooc: open action for the modeling agency or sidewalk/bar!))