fifth hymn ♫ 004. action!

Dec 06, 2011 01:08

[Those who happen out upon the courtyard today might notice a... not-that-unusual sight. You see there happens to be a ten year-old, all buttoned up in a small winter coat with a fur-lined hood, bright red hair sticking out beneath it, playing around in the snow. Or to be more precise, rolling around in it. And flailing.

For all that, by the way he's yelling - however incoherently - you'd think he was having the time of his life. And that's because he is. This is his first winter, after all, and his first snow.

Meanwhile, there's a very serious girl wearing a similar cloak watching over the kid. She's trying to collect enough snow to make a snowman, but she's not doing a very good job. The Keterburg kids managed it somehow...

She sees Luke take a tumble and drops what she's doing out of concern.]

Ah-- Luke, be careful!

[... But he's giggling and he's fine, and Tear... Tear has to start her snowman over.

Anyone out in the courtyard is welcome to stumble across them. Luke, after all, is being quite loud and noticeable. Meanwhile, there's always those fairies fluttering around to make things interesting. Though to be fair, kisses from Luke are more likely to be adorable than embarassing.]

[[ooc; Joint post with both youngest10yrold (who is still on his loss) and ofhymns!]]

tear grants, luke fon fabre

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