twenty six red letters

Dec 06, 2011 01:42

You know. I never thought I'd say this... but I kinda miss school. [quickly] Not the homework, or the tests or the fucked up fascist dickwad principals... well... maybe English class, that was alright half the time. No. I miss hanging out with people and making friends [who aren't going to vanish before you can say goodbye]. I mean, my favorite part of the school year was the first few days of school when I got to see all the new kids and try to figure out if they were cool or not.

I'm not gonna sit here and introduce myself and sound like I'm sitting in a fucking A.A. meeting. Instead, I'm gonna ask all you  guys a question. I want to know: What the hell's the big deal about snow? Seriously. It's cold. It's wet. Sure it's pretty to look at, but you can just look at a picture and get the same effect without freezing your ass off.

[Geoffrey Chaucer]

Hey. I'm free this afternoon if you still want to take a look at my art.


[Nora's going to be spending a lot of the day sprawled on a couch in the nice warm lobby looking out the window at the snow. She's got her sketchbook and passes the time drawing, alternating between practicing her landscapes and drawing a few more portraits of people she's spoken to.]

((ooc: Open! BE WARNED: Kiss at your own risk. This teenager's got a boyfriend and a HELL of a temper. Kids or friends (i.e. kiss on the cheek) are okay. PM or IM me for permission if you'd like.))

nora diniro

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