Case 10: The Mysterious Cake

Nov 10, 2011 19:29

[The voice coming over the journal today is slightly embarrassed sounding. Yup this is long over due and he's finally getting to it.I, would like to apologize to all who may have been harmed in the course of the loss I was under, not too long ago. The time, well let me only say I have changed since that me and my present self. Most notably to ( Read more... )

james watson

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modernholmes November 11 2011, 04:27:19 UTC
So you've recalled yourself.


jamesholmes November 12 2011, 00:02:16 UTC
Indeed I have. Terribly sorry about myself and Nikola.


modernholmes November 12 2011, 00:04:23 UTC
Oh I wouldn't say that was needed. I learned some very interesting things.


jamesholmes November 12 2011, 01:18:03 UTC
Oh did you now? [Conan would, James knows this, but he's curious what the young man knows.]


modernholmes November 12 2011, 01:19:26 UTC
I would say so, Mr. Holmes.


jamesholmes November 12 2011, 01:25:20 UTC
Of course, Nikola. But you are aware there is someone else who is that man yes?


modernholmes November 12 2011, 01:28:20 UTC

I could hardly be unaware of that. He does live across the hallway from me.


jamesholmes November 12 2011, 01:51:46 UTC
The Serbian who was with me when I talked to you, Nikola Tesla.

And does he now? I met him upon his arrival here, fascinating young man.


modernholmes November 12 2011, 01:59:13 UTC
The entire situation is interesting.


jamesholmes November 12 2011, 02:30:08 UTC
It is indeed, very interesting to be sure. Anything of particular interest to you however?


modernholmes November 12 2011, 02:33:27 UTC
I find it very curious. That here there should be two people who could refer to themselves as Holmes. Where, in my own world, I was once nicknamed the Holmes of the Heisei era.


jamesholmes November 12 2011, 02:50:13 UTC
[That gets Conan a laugh.] I do not find it so odd, but then again in my own world I also know such figures as Jack the Ripper, the Invisible Man and Nikola Tesla, as well as one man who could have been Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.


modernholmes November 12 2011, 13:17:28 UTC
Of all those, only Jack the Ripper was real in my world.


jamesholmes November 13 2011, 02:46:29 UTC
Someone else invented the radio in your world? Nikola Tesla is not a fictional figure, in my world at least.


modernholmes November 13 2011, 23:28:53 UTC
Tesla? [Conan frowns in thought.] The name is slightly familiar. But the patent for the radio is held by Guglielmon Marconi.


jamesholmes November 15 2011, 00:24:28 UTC
Marconi holds the patent yes, or rather did after some disputes, however much of Nikola's work was centered around it. Indeed much of Marconi's work relied upon Nikola's.


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