Quattro | Headspace | Action

Sep 03, 2011 04:41

[Instead of his usual room, the door to Ezio's room leads to the Villa Auditore.

Rather than it being empty, the entrance hall and armouries filled to the brim with people. Specifically a lot of women. Courtesans parade around, giggling and flirting with men, pretty girls in beautiful renaissance dresses, some of them even wearing Carnivale masks.

Hidden amongst the crowds are Assassins, stalking through the building, randomly assassinating men and seemingly vanishing right after. Despite the party, a strange, ominous light fills the room and there's a heavy feeling of loneliness in there.

In the room directly to the right after entering, a far younger version of Ezio, dressed in dark robes and Altair's armour, cradles the dead body of Cristina Vespucci, unresponsive to the rest of the room where Ezio's sister, Claudia, is sat at the desk, dressed in her own Assassin's robes, willing to talk to nobody. In the corner of the room, Leonardo Da Vinci stands painting on a canvas, rambling to himself as always.

Upstairs, in Ezio's bedroom, a middle-aged Ezio is, quite passionately and quite skilfully making love to Caterina Sforza. Certainly not for the eyes of children. Instead, perhaps it's better to visit another room, maybe that of Ezio's mother, Maria where she stays silently praying at the bedside.

Should one venture through the study of Mario Auditore, where the man himself is stood looking at the Codex Wall, they would find the entrance to the Sanctuary where, hanging from the ceiling by ropes, his father and brothers have been hung. To the side stand a group of people, some may be recognisable. Nicolo Machiavelli, La Volpe, Paola, Antonio, Teodora, and Bartolomeo d'Alviano gather, discussing secrets and sharing friendly banter.

Ezio, the real Ezio, can be found there, sitting in front of the statue of Altair.]

OOC: Ezio's headspace is the Villa because that was where he lived for the longest time. The place is full of people because, really, Ezio's life has always been about the people and not the places or objects, excluding the Pieces of Eden. His thoughts are constantly on the people he knows and wants to protect. Ezio will be hiding down there for the duration of this. He'll be willing to talk.

ezio auditore da firenze

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