Aug 30, 2011 05:33

[ Now. Now is the time.

He'd called everyone together, going into the city as nothing more than a group of kids around the late afternoon, and for the short walk down to the city they were just that- talking, laughing, perfectly normal but for the fire of determination in all of their eyes.

That stopped when they got here. Minato's nailbat was hefted, thrust into the air just once- a wordless signal that this was their time; the time to do what he'd promised.

To take Paradisa back, for themselves.

It only took one good swing to cave in the nearest window, glass shattering noisily everywhere. Minato had made sure to leave his journal open, and plenty of others: this castle's operations were no mystery to him. They weren't going to get caught, but this would not go unnoticed. ]

(ooc: Hokay! This post is completely open to all, both affected and unaffected by the plot. No need for sections this time.

- Kids: Just post your character doing their thing! Threadjack, threadjump, all good.
- Hero types: Jump into any thread and try to stop what's happening. If you nab the kid or not is up to you and the other mun. This applies to the people who signed up to stop things as much as anyone else!
- Everyone else: Tag in, react! A dozen kids mindlessly destroying the city makes a hell of a racket, so it can be journal or action. Not even castle businesses will be spared.

And of course, have fun. :B )

katara, rose lalonde, minato arisato, raimu "rhyme" bito, delirium, nora diniro, jade harley, gold

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