𝛃 - 027

Aug 28, 2011 22:26

[Kat's new standard operating procedure for whenever she awoke with nightmares, or became too bogged down with her hidden guilts, or if the constant aching absence of her team became too much for her to handle, was now to slip up to Wasington's room for a bit of ... distraction. True to her word she attached no strings to their meetings, but it became a bit of an ingrained reaction when she found herself sinking into an addled depression from the weight of everything.]

[So she was already in an off mood when she picked her way into Washington's room tonight; fnding it empty just added to the frustrations, until her keen Spartan hearing picked up on the soft rustlings of some small animal. In a single fluid motion. Kat grabbed up the frog and dumped it on the desk, flipping on the desk lamp and leaning down to glare at it. Little did she realize, she'd dumped it right on Wash's open journal.]

If I know anything about this castle, I'd have to guess you're not just any ordinary frog.

[Her suspicions probably wouldn't be helped if she noticed the pile of armor hidden in the corner of the room. But the frog lets out a startled ribbit, trying to move away, leaving a slimy trail on the journal page. The lamp isn't helping matters with Wash starting to feel a bit dried out without the help of a nearby light source. He's hungry, tired, dehydrated, and damn it, he just wants to be left in peace.]

[She puts a hand behind the frog and pushes it back onto the center of the page. No escaping the Spartan just yet.] Do you understand me? One ribbit for yes.

((ooc: sometime after this thread. Open journal for either Kat or ribbity!Wash!))

kat s-320, freelancer washington

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