Aug 09, 2011 22:27
[Filtered away from Riful and her crew and everyone that would help them... and anyone who would even think about helping them... and anyone who would even think about thinking about helping them... .]
Right! I don't think I need to tell you all what's been going on. Unless you've been turned into a rock and have been unable to follow recent events we all know about Riful and her little... gang... We've all been in agreement that we have to do something, that's clear. However, the time has come to actually begin planning what, precisely, we're going to do about this.
They have progressively stepped up their aggression. Riful experimenting on townspeople, Arthur's death, the attack on the Peace Patrol. They're bringing it closer to the castle and it won't be long before they're at the doors and we're out of time.
SO! I'll star it off, shall I? What have they got? Hmm? Riful's got her silly little healing power, but throw a bit of fire in there and it's downright useless. Legato? He's got his telepathy, has horrible taste in food and is extremely rude. Arthas? Well, I can't say I know much about him but he has got a sword that's apparently rather important.
Now. What have we got? We've got knowledge. The knowledge of what they are and what they can do. With that knowledge, and a bit of luck, we can plan around what they have and make it work to our advantage. What else have we got? Numbers. There's the three of them, perhaps a few others and however many townspeople Legato decides to bring along. We've got an entire castle. Granted, not everyone can fight but we've still certainly got them beat. What else have we got? A plan. Well... not yet, but we will have a plan. I must say, I'm still getting used to the whole planning thing, but it's certainly going to come in handy in this case.
I would like to see everyone make it out of this alive. Yes, even Riful. She may be an incredible danger to all of us, but that doesn't mean we need to execute her. There's a reason why people have been building in the Dead Zone, after all. If we can get her out there she will no longer be a danger to anyone. We need to build on what we know about each of them and plan the best way for us to subdue them. I'm not usually one to present a call to arms, but even I can recognize that no one can take down each of these individuals by themselves. We will need to work together. We've done it before and everyone was brilliant. We just need to use what we know about each of them, find their weaknesses and use them to subdue them so we can get them to the Dead Zone.
So! Let's hear it. Ideas, thoughts, plans, recipes, anything you've got. Now's not the time to hesitate. We don't know what they may try next and we need to be ready.
((ooc: IC Planning for the final battle. OPEN OPEN OPEN.Threadjack at will! He's in the TARDIS console room with a package of Jammy Dodgers if anyone wants to bother him in person))
eleventh doctor